What Fluoride Does for Children’s Teeth

Fluoride has long been an important tool in effective children’s dentistry. For children who are at heightened risks of tooth decay, it’s an especially important tool. The mineral, fluoride, has a unique ability to bond to the layers of enamel surrounding your child’s teeth. By doing so, it can strengthen the enamel against harmful oral bacteria and food particles that could otherwise destroy it. Today, we examine what fluoride does for children’s teeth, and why you should ask if your child can benefit from it, as well. (more…)

Common Questions About Dental Implants

After the initial shock of losing one or more teeth, you may have several questions about your condition. For instance, how will it affect the rest of your oral health, and what’s your best tooth replacement option? In many cases, the best way to restore your smile is with the help of one or more dental implants, which are small, root-like posts that your dentist inserts into your jawbone. With the ability to support any dental prosthetic (i.e., crown, bridge, or denture), implants can be your best option, as well. (more…)

A Few Truths About Root Canal Therapy

Treating dental issues, like internal tooth decay, is essential for several reasons. For instance, tooth decay is progressive, and if you don’t treat it quickly, it will only grow worse. Additionally, such issues can lead to high levels of discomfort, which can only be alleviated by addressing the problem. In the case of root canal therapy, the severity of severe tooth decay’s symptoms and threats to your oral health make the procedure more beneficial than many patients realize. (more…)

What Are the Benefits of Bonding & Contouring?

When it comes to improving your smile’s appearance, cosmetic dentistry offers a broad range of highly lifelike treatment options. Depending on your specific needs, the goal of your treatment will be to preserve your healthy tooth structure as much as improve it. Therefore, your dentist will tailor your treatment to address your unique concerns. In many cases, cosmetic tooth bonding and contouring can accomplish both maximum cosmetic results and tooth preservation, making them ideal for improving several different types of smile blemishes. (more…)

What You Can Avoid with Regular Checkups & Cleanings

As part of an effective dental hygiene and preventive routine, most people recognize that routine checkups and cleanings are important. Yet, many patients don’t realize the importance of sticking to the routine every time. Therefore, many patients may skip an appointment here and there, and despite their efforts, they still experience dental issues that may have otherwise been prevented. Today, we examine what checkups and cleanings help you avoid if you visit your dentist as often as recommended. (more…)

The Consequences of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

A wisdom tooth, or third molar, is the last molar to grow at either end of your upper and lower dental ridges. The four molars typically begin to erupt by the age 17 or 18, when all others have already fully developed. The problem with wisdom teeth is that there is often little room along the dental ridges to accommodate them, which can lead to the molars becoming impacted. When left alone, wisdom tooth impaction can have serious consequences for your oral health, which is why extracting wisdom teeth is usually the best course of action. (more…)

A Few Facts About Fillings

Tooth fillings have been around almost as long as clinical dentistry itself (and perhaps longer), and today, they remain one of the most frequently recommended treatments. Part of the reason why is because cavities, the condition that fillings treat, are still the most common dental health issue around the world. The other reason is that modern fillings have come a long way over the centuries, and today’s restorations can improve your tooth’s appearance as well as treat a cavity and restore your tooth’s good health. Today, we take a look at a few facts about fillings, and how they became the discreet, highly effective restorations they are now. (more…)

Teeth-Whitening Questions for Your Dentist

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once helps you prevent a lot of things, like cavities and gingivitis, that could threaten the health of your smile. Unfortunately, good hygiene can’t prevent everything; teeth stains, for example, can develop no matter how clean and healthy you keep your teeth. The good news is that they don’t always mean something’s wrong with your oral health (other than the appearance of your teeth). The even better news is that your dentist may be able to quickly land effectively erase teeth stains with the right professional teeth-whitening treatment. (more…)

A Few Things You Should Know About Snoring

Depending on how often and how loudly you snore, it may not seem like a big deal, especially if you stop snoring as soon as you roll over to your side. For many patients, though, snoring occurs more frequently than they may realize, no matter what they position they sleep in. For chronic snorers, the constant noise could eventually have a significant impact on your overall health. It may even indicate a more serious problem, such as obstructive sleep apnea, that should be addressed as soon as possible. (more…)

How Do I Know if I Have Gum Disease?

Once you know that you have gum disease, you can take appropriate steps to treat it, starting with a visit to your dentist. However, for some patients, the signs of gum disease aren’t obvious, and the symptoms are often mistaken for minor occurrences. That’s because many people aren’t aware of what the early signs of gum disease are, and since these symptoms don’t usually include discomfort, there doesn’t always seem to be cause for alarm. Today, explore the common symptoms that could be a warning of trouble, and what to look for so you can know if you have gum disease. (more…)