Managing Oral Health Risks With Regular Dental Cleanings

When you take the proper steps each day to protect your teeth from food debris and oral bacteria, you can sustain a healthy smile, and avoid problems that require restorative dental work. On your own, you protect your teeth and gums through flossing, through brushing, and by avoiding an excess of sugar in your daily diet. As effective as this approach can be, you should know that a regular dental cleaning can still be vital to your overall dental well-being! During every one of your routine visits to our El Paso, TX dental practice, we provide a thorough professional dental cleaning in addition to a review of your oral health. These visits help you maintain a problem-free smile, and they can prevent a problem that has formed from going unnoticed.

Routine Dental Cleanings Are An Important Part Of Your Regular Checkups

What is it about the professional dental cleanings patients receive that make them so beneficial to their long-term oral health? After all, with consistency and attention, you can provide yourself with great smile care on a daily basis. Your hygienist’s sessions with you matter because they can evaluate your efforts and let you know if there are trouble areas you are doing a poor job cleaning. They can also use their professional tools to be more thorough than you can on your own. These sessions are especially important because they can lead to the removal of tartar, which may have accumulated on your teeth between visits.

The Importance Of Tartar Removal

Tartar is the term used to refer to any plaque deposits that have hardened on your teeth. These deposits resist your daily efforts to clean them, and they can increase your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Your hygienist has the tools and training necessary to make sure that tartar is removed before it can create a problem for your oral health.

What Are The Other Benefits Of Regular Dental Checkups?

Every regular dental exam provides you with valuable feedback about the state of your oral health. Your dentist is checking your enamel closely for any signs of decay, and advanced images can be produced in order to look for any issues that might escape notice during a visual evaluation. These appointments also ensure that action is swiftly taken when something might be wrong – for instance, when a patient shows signs of tooth decay, their tooth can be restored with a dental filling before the problem grows worse, and requires a root canal procedure.

Talk To Sunny Smiles In El Paso, TX About Regular Dental Cleanings

At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, patients can look forward to great preventive dental care at every appointment. In addition to offering routine services, we can also provide great restorative and cosmetic work! To schedule an appointment at our East El Paso location on N. Zaragoza Road, please call 915-849-9000!