Category: General Dentistry

Our Approach To Family Dental Care

Does everyone in your family need the same kind of support from your dentist? While people of all ages can face many of the same oral health threats, you and your kids can require different approaches to care during routine dental exams. At Sunny Smiles, we are prepared to deliver meaningful support during routine dental… Read more »

Our Office Takes Appointments On Saturdays!

dental visit Saturday calendar

If your typical weekday gives you little time to take appointments, it can be difficult to find an opportunity to see your dentist. Unfortunately, this means that many people will fall behind on their regular checkups, and that makes them more vulnerable to oral health difficulties. Patients at Sunny Smiles can take advantage of our… Read more »

When Should Your Next Dental Checkup Occur?

Are regular dental exams part of your routine or protecting your teeth? If not, you can lose out on important protection against problems like dental decay and gum disease. Unless your dentist identifies a reason for you to do different, you should plan on scheduling dental checkups every six months. Sunny Smiles provides important preventive… Read more »

3 Reasons To Visit Your General Dentist

Is it time for you to see your dentist for a general oral health exam and teeth cleaning? Postponing or skipping appointments can leave you more vulnerable to problems with your smile, even if you feel that you are doing a good job between appointments keeping your smile in good condition. Without regular reviews and… Read more »

Finding One Dental Office For Your Family

If you can find one dental office that is prepared to help everyone in your family with their oral health needs, you can make planning trips to the dentist easier. After all, when you have one location that can serve everyone, routine trips for checkups and cleanings will be more convenient because you can book… Read more »

Seeing Your Dentist On A Saturday

By seeing your dentist on a regular basis, you protect yourself against a range of oral health issues. At an appointment, your smile undergoes a close review to determine if tooth decay, gum disease, or any other condition might require treatment. Your visit also includes a teeth cleaning that will remove plaque and tartar buildup… Read more »

Regular Teeth Cleanings Protect Your Enamel

Your dental enamel is strong enough to withstand bite forces for many years. Because of this, we can enjoy a wide-ranging and nutrient-rich diet, as we can break down tougher foods without difficulty. With that said, our teeth are vulnerable to harm, particularly when we do not keep up with good oral hygiene efforts. Your… Read more »

The Trouble With Skipping Dental Checkups

Is it time for you to schedule your next dental exam? Unless you are told otherwise by your dentist, you should arrange a checkup every six months to stay current with preventive care. Delaying appointments, or taking a break from scheduled care, can lead to issues like tartar buildup, and even lead to the onset… Read more »

Scheduling Dental Care On A Saturday

How hectic is your typical weekday? Between work and family obligations, people sometimes struggle to make time for themselves, even when their concerns are centered on their health and well-being. If you find that arranging a dental appointment during the week is difficult, Sunny Smiles can help by welcoming you to schedule a Saturday dental… Read more »

Arranging Dental Visits For Your Family

child at the dentist's office

While everyone in your family should maintain attractive, healthy teeth, you and your kids can have different needs and concerns when it comes to dental care. Simply put, children know less about oral hygiene, or about the threat posed by problems like cavities. Because of this, they can benefit from more guidance and instruction at… Read more »