When you brush and floss thoroughly, consistently schedule dental checkups, and make a point of limiting sugar, you can keep your risk for cavities low, and avoid restorative dental work. Unfortunately, many people – even those who take care to prevent cavities – can find that they need treatment for decay at least once in their life. If a cavity forms in a conspicuous area, will you need to worry about your smile changing? Our dental practice has experience treating cavities while preserving the look of patients’ smiles. One way we do this is by using composite resin dental fillings. These fillings closely match the look and color of healthy tooth enamel, so they go undetected even when they are in a prominent space. (more…)
What Dental Cleanings Do To Protect You From Cavities
You should be making choices every day to fight cavities. There are obvious steps to prevent decay like brushing your teeth and flossing, as well as less direct (but still important) actions like cutting back on sugar and staying properly hydrated. As important as these daily behaviors are, they are not the only actions you can take to effectively prevent cavities. Make sure that you consistently schedule routine dental exams and cleanings to keep your smile healthy. At Sunny Smiles, we support patients of all ages in their efforts to maintain problem-free teeth. The cleanings provided at routine dental visits play an important role by removing tartar buildup that may have formed since your last appointment. Tartar removal is not something you can do on your own, but it is something that should happen consistently if you hope to avoid restorative dental work! (more…)
You Can Schedule A Trip To See Your Dentist On A Saturday
Seeing your dentist on a regular basis will help you prevent the buildup of tartar, it will give you early warnings about dental decay and gingivitis, and it can lead to the detection and treatment of problems that cause chronic jaw pain. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find time for another appointment, even when you have plenty of advance notice before your next scheduled exam. Sunny Smiles makes it easier to find time by providing office hours on Saturdays! These appointment openings can make it easier for individuals and families to squeeze in visits. As a result, you can continue to stay protected against problems that can demand restorative dental work. (more…)
Bothered By A Dull Smile? Ask About Teeth Whitening!
Your smile is something you should feel confident showing to the world. While you may have felt completely comfortable with your appearance in the past, changes in the color of your enamel may have already affected the way you feel. Teeth stains are a frustrating problem – even people who successfully avoid problems with cavities can observe a gradual change in the color of their smile. Your feelings of frustration can grow if you have already tried to address the matter with a store bought whitening treatment, which can have limited benefits. At Sunny Smiles, we are able to provide patients a more effective approach to teeth whitening. The take-home kit you are provided will include a personalized tray as well as potent (and safe) bleaching agents. When used as directed, these can give you exciting cosmetic improvements! (more…)
3 Steps You Can Take To Lower Your Cavity Risk
Any time a cavity forms, permanent damage to your tooth structure will occur. Even if your dentist spots and treats that cavity just after forming, it will be necessary to place a dental filling to keep the tooth safe and secure. If you want to protect your enamel against this damage, it is important to have the right habits in place. Good oral hygiene will be important, as your routine keeps plaque and tartar from accumulating on your teeth and putting you at risk for decay. Make sure you also take your diet seriously, and that you consistently attend routine dental checkups. With these different steps in place, you can keep your teeth safe from harm!
Relying On Cosmetic Dentistry To Improve Your Smile
You should take care of your smile to keep it safe against threats like tooth decay and gum disease. With the right oral hygiene routine at home, and regular dental exams, you can stay safe against the buildup of plaque and tartar, which create problems for your oral health. Of course, for some people, their smile concerns are not just limited to their well-being. Problems with the shape, size, and color of your teeth can undermine your confidence and leave you dwelling on your flaws. At Sunny Smiles, we are prepared to help people in and around our community with an interest in cosmetic dentistry. The right procedure can take less work than you expect while delivering exciting results! (more…)
Replacing A Lost Tooth With A Same-Day Dental Implant
When you know what a dental implant-held prosthetic is capable of doing for you, it can be exciting to begin the process of restoring your smile. With that said, people can have concerns when they learn how long it might take to complete the process of replacing a lost tooth, or multiple lost teeth. Our El Paso, TX dentist’s office can actually help patients close a smile gap sooner thanks to our same-day dental implants. We can bring you in to have your dental implant placed as well as restored in one day. This makes the process of prosthetic dental work more convenient, and it will ensure that you start showing off a full smile in a surprisingly short time! (more…)
Help Us Welcome Dr. Apilado To Our Team!
The Sunny Smiles team is excited to welcome a new dentist to our Dyer location! Patients who go to this office can receive care from Dr. Paul Apilado. Dr. Apilado, a member of the American Dental Association, the Texas Dental Association, and the El Paso District Dental Society, is prepared to help patients with their general dental needs. We are happy to have him on staff and helping the patients who trust us to manage their smile health, and we look forward to people meeting and receiving care from him! Both of our El Paso, TX dental offices are ready to help patients with a variety of different matters. You can come to us for routine dental care, but remember that we are also ready to provide a range of cosmetic and restorative dental services, too! (more…)
Tips To Help Your Kids See The Value In Good Oral Hygiene
Parents have many responsibilities when it comes to raising kids. Even as your children become more self-reliant, you have a valuable role to play as you prepare them to do more for themselves. Kids tend to have the coordination and maturity to start cleaning their own teeth when they are around six or seven. With the right encouragement and guidance, you can make sure that they are equipped with an understanding of why oral care is important. Of course, you can still play a role in helping them protect your teeth by checking in and modeling your own hygiene routine. Our El Paso, TX dentist’s office can also help with this, as we can take part of a pediatric dental exam to help kids learn to care for their teeth on their own. (more…)
3 Positive Changes Enjoyed After Treating TMJ Disorder
Until a problem with TMJ disorder is addressed, you can experience a worrying degree of discomfort. The problem can affect your bite function, and may limit your jaw movement to the point of making it difficult to speak! You can also experience related pains in your face, neck, and head. Those who struggle to control a problem with teeth grinding linked to TMJ disorder also have to worry about permanent damage to their teeth. At our El Paso, TX dentist’s office, patients who show signs of having trouble with their jaw health or alignment can receive care to ease tension and pain. Through the use of a custom oral appliance, we can help you deal with stress or poor joint alignment, which can lead to relief from chronic jaw problems. (more…)