How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Dental Cleaning?

In the course of a dental cleaning, your hygienist can clear away tartar and plaque, identify areas of your smile that could benefit from more care, and help you avoid future oral health problems. Unfortunately, some people believe that their daily oral care routine can replace these visits, and that they only need to see their dentist if they think something is wrong with their smile. Staying consistent with preventive care has long-term benefits. Care provided by your hygienist will make problems less likely to occur, and your dentist can spot problems and recommend restorative dental work before your condition worsens. (more…)

Why Patients Choose Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

Why have so many people looked to their dentist for help with teeth stains? There are often a variety of over the counter whitening treatments available at grocery stores and pharmacies, but these products may lack the effectiveness to deal with deeper, tougher stains. If you want to see significant smile improvements, a professional cosmetic dental procedure can be necessary. Sunny Smiles gives patients access to advanced whitening agents that they can actually use at home! This approach combines the convenience of kits that are purchased over the counter with the effectiveness of professional care. When your treatment is complete, you can be delighted to see that your teeth are now many shades brighter than before!

We Can Address Poor Jaw Alignment Through TMJ Therapy

Injuries, inflammation, poor bite movement, and teeth grinding can all create problems with the alignment of your jaw joints. If your joints are no longer working well together, you may feel the effects of this tension in your face, jaw, head, and neck! TMJ-related aches and pains can be serious, and they can be a consistent problem throughout your day. If you show signs of TMJ disorder during a routine dental exam, your dentist can speak with you about treatment to reduce tension and stop pain. This correction is often made possible by the use of a custom oral appliance that gently holds your jaw in a more comfortable position while you rest. (more…)

Reasons To Stay Calm During A Dental Emergency

While you should act quickly to address a dental emergency, you do not need to panic. Patients at Sunny Smiles can make arrangements for emergency dental work if they experience a tooth injury, lose a filling or crown, or struggle with severe dental pain. Having access to care on short notice means that you can have a problem addressed before your dental health worsens, and it means you spend less time with an unsightly injury. Just as we can take care to preserve your appearance during a routine restorative dental procedure, we can make sure that your emergency treatment allows you to maintain your healthy smile! (more…)

Trusting A Root Canal To Stop An Issue With Tooth Pain

A tooth pain that refuses to subside should concern you. Problems with pain and sensitivity can be symptoms of an infection, which can occur if a tooth is injured or affected by a cavity. When too much time passes without treatment, enough harm can occur to leave an infected tooth past the point of saving. Fortunately, treatment is available if you develop an issues with dental pain. Our dentist’s office can help you if you are in this situation by providing root canal therapy. This procedure targets problems within a tooth that put your oral health at risk. In addition to performing this service, we can make sure your tooth stays healthy after treatment by providing a custom dental crown to cover it. (more…)

3 Common Issues Addressed Through Cosmetic Dentistry

People who start looking into cosmetic dentistry can be motivated by different concerns. For some, a procedure can potentially address naturally occurring smile flaws that have always made them feel less than confident in the way they look. Others will identify how gradual changes have hurt the way their teeth look, or seek treatment in response to an injury that negatively affects their appearance. Sunny Smiles provides several services that target esthetic problems for patients wishing to improve the way they look. You may be surprised to learn that all of your current anxieties about the look of your teeth can be addressed with just one procedure! (more…)

How A Family Dentist Helps Kids Learn Proper Oral Hygiene

With the right approach to oral hygiene, people of all ages can effectively fight the buildup of plaque and food debris that can lead to oral health troubles. Adults tend to be deeply familiar with good oral hygiene practices, but children have to learn the basics of caring for their teeth and gums in order to avoid problems that require restorative dentistry. Parents can provide guidance, but kids also receive important instructions from their dentist during pediatric dental exams. Our practice has experience working with kids on developing good oral hygiene habits. These instructions, along with consistent preventive care, will make it easier for them to grow up with healthy, lovely smiles! (more…)

Why We Discuss Periodontal Care During Dental Checkups

As important as it is to keep your teeth in good condition, their health is not your dentist’s only concern during a routine dental checkup. These visits also focus on your periodontal health. By doing so, we are able to watch for any worrying signs of infection that should be addressed. If you show signs of gingivitis during an appointment, we can recommend a periodontal cleaning, or scaling and root planing, to stop the infection from growing more serious in time. The goal of preventive dental appointments is to protect your smile from the different issues that can form and impact your well-being. While cavities are a serious concern, you should also see gum disease as a real problem, as it can lead to tooth loss and problems for your general health when it is not managed properly. (more…)

We Can Place A Dental Filling That Matches Your Enamel

If you have a cavity, some form of restorative dental work will need to take place to stop it from doing any more harm to your enamel. Patients who are consistent about scheduling dental exams can count on their dentist to spot signs of decay in their earlier stages. This early detection can ensure that a cavity is dealt with while it is still small enough to be addressed with a dental filling. Patients at Sunny Smiles will receive dental fillings that actually match the color and texture of their enamel. What this means is that they can have their tooth restored without having its appearance changed. Even if decay forms in an area that is difficult to hide, you will not have to worry about a conspicuous restoration permanently affecting your smile! (more…)

Can One Cosmetic Procedure Give You A Smile Makeover?

The idea of a smile makeover can be attractive to many people, but it can also sound like something that is effectively out of their reach. Meaningful changes that address all of your current concerns must call for several procedures…right? As you learn more about cosmetic dentistry, you can find out how the treatment options available to you can do more for the way you look than you realize. With just one procedure, it is possible to take on problems with dental discoloration, wear and tear, problems with naturally misshapen teeth, and even issues with spacing! During a visit to discuss your options for treatment, you can find out what the right procedure might look like for you, and also learn if there are any issues with your smile that might call for restorative dentistry. (more…)