Category: Dental Implants

Why Dentures Are Better with Dental Implants

If you’ve lost all of your teeth on both of your dental ridges, then you may have concerns about whether dental implants can restore such extensive damage. The truth is, complete tooth loss is even more reason to consider supporting your denture or dentures on dental implants. They can prevent the continuing recession of your… Read more »

Top 3 Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants, which are small, root-like posts that are placed within the jawbone, are among the most lifelike and beneficial options for replacing lost teeth. As the only option that can replace the roots of lost teeth, dental implants offer a number of benefits compared to more conventional appliances. They are also the only way… Read more »

Answering Your Questions About Dental Implants

Despite modern dentistry’s best efforts, tooth loss still remains a significant concern for millions of people. The prospect of losing one or more teeth can seem less stressful if you know what to do afterward to rebuild your smile. However, many patients don’t know their options, or the fact that dental implants may be their… Read more »

Do I Qualify for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most advanced form of tooth replacement, and are the only option for reestablishing the roots that supported your lost teeth. With implants, you can not only enjoy sturdier, more comfortable replacement teeth, but also benefit from a stronger, healthier jawbone in the long run. However, before you can receive them, you… Read more »