Category: Dental Implants

Can I Receive Dental Implants Same-Day?

That’s a good question, and one we’ve had quite a few patients ask. After all, who doesn’t want to leave the office same-day with a full and beautiful smile? In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists will take a look at how we place and restore dental implants, and whether same-day placement is possible…. Read more »

Restore Your Smile Sooner Thanks To Same-Day Implants!

Are you excited to show off a complete smile once again after having restorative dental work done? It is hardly surprising that patients would be eager to have this work completed. After all, you can have a renewed sense of confidence in your appearance, while also finding that your dental function enjoys remarkable improvement. At… Read more »

A Dental Prosthetic Can Make You Look Younger, And Healthier

Tooth loss creates problems that can intrude on every day of your life. The functional difficulties you encounter can make biting and chewing food harder, and may even affect the way you speak. Of course, in addition to being an obvious concern for your oral health, this problem can impact your self-confidence, and change the… Read more »

What Options Do I Have For Restoring My Incomplete Smile?

There are several options you can pursue when you want to do something about tooth loss. You can look into a single-tooth restoration to close a smile gap, or talk to your El Paso, TX dentist about receiving a larger prosthetic appliance to replace multiple missing teeth. You can also opt for dental implant support… Read more »

Can You Qualify To Receive Same-Day Implants?

After losing a tooth, a patient can understandably be eager to have the problem treated as swiftly as possible. After all, the sooner the matter is addressed, the sooner you can go back to showing off your complete smile. Recovering from tooth loss also means improving on your dental function. While dental implants offer great… Read more »

Thinking About Dental Implants? Here’s What You Should Know

For patients who’ve lost teeth, dental implants are often the most beneficial option for replacing them. When it comes to rebuilding your smile, dental implants not only offer a lifelike way to make your smile whole again, but also a comprehensive way to reestablish the vital functions of your lost teeth roots. At our East… Read more »

How to Know if Dental Implants Are a Good Idea

What makes dental implants different from other dental prostheses is also what makes them one of the most beneficial options for your smile. Unlike other options, dental implants don’t just replace the visible portions of your teeth, but also the roots that rest within your jawbone. For many patients at our El Paso, TX, dental… Read more »

How Dental Implants Could Change Your Life

Losing one or more teeth changes your life in several ways. The most notable change is in your smile’s appearance, which is why one of the most appealing aspects of modern dental prostheses is their ability to closely mimic healthy, natural teeth. However, there are several other, more impactful consequences of tooth loss that can… Read more »

Supporting a Full Denture on Just Four Dental Implants

The good thing about dental implants is that they’re a good option for most people who’ve lost one or more teeth. They’re also the most lifelike tooth replacement option, consisting of a prosthetic root (implant post) as well as a custom-designed restoration (bridge or denture). Yet, the more teeth you’ve lost, the more complicated your… Read more »

Would Anyone Know if I Got Dental Implants?

When it comes to rebuilding your smile after tooth loss, there are several different areas of concern, each of which being just as important as the others. For example, there’s the esthetic concern of how your smile looks and the functional concern of how well your bite will function. There’re also long-term concerns of what… Read more »