Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Good Reasons to Contour Your Gums

Sometimes, improving your smile doesn’t have anything to do with the appearance of your teeth, but rather the gums that surround them. If your gum line is uneven, then your smile will seem asymmetrical, as well. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has an answer for that, too. With cosmetic gum contouring, your dentist can carefully and artistically… Read more »

What Are the Benefits of Bonding & Contouring?

When it comes to improving your smile’s appearance, cosmetic dentistry offers a broad range of highly lifelike treatment options. Depending on your specific needs, the goal of your treatment will be to preserve your healthy tooth structure as much as improve it. Therefore, your dentist will tailor your treatment to address your unique concerns. In… Read more »

Teeth-Whitening Questions for Your Dentist

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once helps you prevent a lot of things, like cavities and gingivitis, that could threaten the health of your smile. Unfortunately, good hygiene can’t prevent everything; teeth stains, for example, can develop no matter how clean and healthy you keep your teeth. The good news… Read more »

Things You Can Do with Porcelain Veneers

A porcelain veneer is an ultra-thin, highly customized shell of dental porcelain that can be bonded to the front surfaces of one or more teeth. If you want to restore your smile’s healthy, beautiful appearance but are worried about undergoing extensive cosmetic work, porcelain veneers may be the ideal solution. In many cases, custom veneers… Read more »

A Few Benefits of Cosmetic Gum Contouring

When you think of your smile’s appearance, your main concern may be how your teeth look. However, there’s more to a smile than just teeth, such as the gum line that surrounds and protects them. When your gum tissues cover an excessive or uneven amount of your teeth, their asymmetrical appearance can impact the overall… Read more »

Can Bonding Fix Your Chipped Tooth?

Tooth damage isn’t like a cut to your skin or a sprained ankle. Both of these will heal over time, provided there are no unforeseen complications. Your tooth, however, will not, no matter how much time you give it. This makes little things like a chipped edge or cracked surface a more serious concern than… Read more »

Can Teeth-Whitening Work for You?

As one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, teeth-whitening is something that most people will choose at least once in their lives. Even with a consistently good schedule of hygiene at home and regular visits to your dentist, your teeth can still develop stains, lose their shine, or become uniformly dull over time. Fortunately,… Read more »

Answering Questions About Porcelain Veneers

Your teeth may be small, but your smile is one of your most immediately noticeable features. Therefore, improving cosmetic tooth blemishes can benefit your self-confidence as much as your smile’s appearance. In many cases, porcelain veneers are the best option for addressing cosmetic dental concerns, especially if you have more than one concern to deal… Read more »

How Porcelain Veneers Improve Smiles

Patients who are unhappy with their smiles because stains, chips, odd spacing, or slight crookedness mar their teeth’s appearance tend to hide their smiles more often than they show them. Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells of dental porcelain that are bonded to the fronts of a patient’s teeth to cover such potentially embarrassing blemishes. If… Read more »

Can Gum Contouring Restore Your Confidence?

The main purpose of your gums is to protect and support the roots of your teeth as they extend out of your jawbone. However, their appearance also has a significant impact on the appearance of your overall smile. When gum tissues are uneven or cover too much of one or more teeth, the result is… Read more »