When you have a toothache, this could be caused by allergies, sinus issues, or even a chill in the air. However, if the pain doesn’t pass after a few hours and persists for a day or more, then you may have a cavity. To prevent a cavity from becoming an infection, your El Paso, TX, dentists can place a custom and lifelike filling made from a metal-free material!
Custom Veneers Make A New Smile Possible
Do you wish you could just obtain a totally new smile? For people with multiple esthetic issues, such as misshapen, uneven, or stained teeth, this is a common wish. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists can use a unique cosmetic treatment to completely alter the smile’s appearance in about two visits. Learn more about how porcelain veneers make a new smile possible!
Cosmetic Treatment For Your Gums
In our last blog, we touched briefly on dental contouring, which we use to reshape the teeth and address esthetic issues. But what your gums? These not only hold your teeth in place, but they frame your smile as well, so swelling or excessive tissue could lead to impacts on your appearance. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists offer esthetic treatment for your gums!
Does Your Tooth Need Bonding Or Contouring?
When discussing cosmetic dentistry, people often focus on teeth whitening. While an important and effective cosmetic treatment, we also have other treatment options, such as bonding and contouring. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about how we improve smile beauty in one sitting with bonding and contouring!
Removing Teeth Stains With Trays And Gel
Do you have discoloration on your smile? We know that no one is ever happy with stained teeth, and people often desire a brighter smile. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists will look at our at-home teeth whitening system, which uses trays and a bleaching gel to break up and remove severe stains in as little as one to two weeks!
Treating Sleep Apnea In Our Community
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) impacts up to 18 million people in the United States, and can lead to serious oral health issues and problems with your heart health and immune system. In order to avoid problems with your ability to sleep and to help you feel more alert during the day, we may suggest treatment. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about treating sleep apnea in our community.
Is Snoring Something To Worry About?
We all snore occasionally, and a number of factors could cause us to do so. However, if we tend to snore nightly or nearly nightly, this could actually mean trouble and lead to serious negative impacts on our ability to rest (and on our significant other’s patience). In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists look at when you should be concerned about your snoring.
Is There A Link Between TMJ Disorder And Bruxism?
Two jaw joints disorder impacts millions of people in the United States: TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, and bruxism. While very different, there are a lot of links between these two issues, and both could lead to serious problems for your overall oral health. In today’s blog, we talk about the symptoms of these disorders and how we can treat them.
When Do You Need A Perio Cleaning?
We recently discussed the benefits of routine checkup and cleaning visits. In today’s blog, we would like touch on this subject again, this time focusing on a unique procedure known as a perio cleaning, or a scaling and root planing. Your El Paso, TX, dentists may recommend this option for people gingivitis or the early stages of periodontal disease.
Do Kids Need To Floss?
As adults, you know that routine and daily flossing helps safeguard your smile against everything from tooth decay to gum disease. Now, what about children? Turns out that as soon as your child has teeth that sit side-by-side, flossing becomes vital for avoiding poor oral health. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk proper flossing for children.