Take Part In A Rare Plant Tour July 13!

On Saturday, July 13, you can explore the great outdoors of El Paso, and learn abut the local fauna, by joining the Rare Plant Tour! A guided tour, led by a local expert, can introduce you to the many interesting species that exist around our community. You can even learn how to identify some of these lovely, strange plants in the Hueco Tanks area, and see a tree that is exclusive to our region! While the Rare Plant Tour is a great learning opportunity, it also serves as your chance to take in some exercise, which can help you maintain your physical health. Did you know that healthy gums can also have an impact on your well-being? Your El Paso, TX dentist can check on the condition ofy our periodontal tissues during your next routine dental exam! (more…)

We Can Provide Relief If You Are Experiencing Dental Pain

Dental pain is an intrusive, frustrating problem – it can also be a warning that something is really wrong with your oral health. If you try to ignore discomfort, even as it continues to assert its presence, you should know that you could be ignoring a problem that can worsen over time. If the pain is concentrated in your tooth, you might be dealing with an advanced cavity. Pain that is more general could be a byproduct of TMJ dysfunction, which can lead to difficult dental function, teeth grinding, and issues with chronic headaches. At our El Paso, TX dental practice, we can work with patients to determine why they have pain, then recommend the appropriate restorative dental treatment. (more…)

Can One Cosmetic Treatment Address Multiple Issues?

How much difference can you really make for your appearance if you only schedule one cosmetic dental treatment? How many steps are going to be required if you want to deal with multiple flaws? These are important questions – after all, a person’s willingness to undergo cosmetic work can be affected by what they think the process might require. You can be happy to know that your El Paso, TX dentist’s office can provide cosmetic services that are able to address many different concerns in less time than you expect. With the right treatment, you can cover up concerns about dental damage, discoloration, and congenital problems with the shape and size of teeth. (more…)

Regular Checkups Make Your Oral Health Easier To Manage

How much effort are you currently putting towards preserving the health of your teeth and gums? Hopefully, each day finds you keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits, while also making sure your diet choices are smile-friendly. When you maintain good habits at home, you can limit your risk for trouble, but this does not mean your routine should take the place of regular dental checkups! At every visit to your El Paso, TX dentist’s office, you can receive valuable preventive care – each visit includes a careful review of your smile, and a thorough cleaning of your teeth to remove harmful agents. (more…)

What Options Do I Have For Restoring My Incomplete Smile?

There are several options you can pursue when you want to do something about tooth loss. You can look into a single-tooth restoration to close a smile gap, or talk to your El Paso, TX dentist about receiving a larger prosthetic appliance to replace multiple missing teeth. You can also opt for dental implant support with your restoration, which can have important benefits for your long-term dental health, and your appearance. One thing you should know is that if you continue to put off work to restore your full smile, you can run into problems related to tooth loss that can become frustrating, and can seriously interfere with your quality of life! (more…)

Schedule Treatment To Address Pain Caused By A Cavity

The throbbing pain in your tooth is certainly a problem, but it may not be your only concern when it comes to your oral health. A persistent toothache can be a sign that you are dealing with an infected tooth. This can happen when a cavity is not treated in time to stop decay from exposing your pulp, which becomes infected with harmful bacteria. If you try to ignore the problem at this stage, you can endure more complications, and you may lose your tooth! Your El Paso, TX dentist is ready to help you when you need restorative dental care to address tooth pain. (more…)

Enjoy Live Music In El Paso At Music Under The Stars

El Paso families have two more opportunities to enjoy live music under the night’s sky this month, as part of the Music Under The Stars program! Music Under The Stars hosts Sunday night concerts at Chamizal National Memorial. Families can take blankets and chairs, stretch out under the stars, and listen to great live music. Summer is the perfect time for nighttime concerts, and many other fun family outings. With the kids home from school, this season is also a wonderful time to set up pediatric dental appointments. We can make sure your kids are keeping their teeth healthy, and we can make sure your smile is in great shape as well! (more…)

Using Dental Work To Improve The Look Of Misshapen Teeth

How worried should you be if your teeth seem to look misshapen, or if you have a tooth that appears out of place with the rest of your smile? If these flaws impact your appearance, you can feel some understandable concern, and have an interest in what you can do about the matter! Fortunately, cosmetic dental work can make changes to the shape and size of specific teeth possible. Your El Paso, TX dentist can talk to you about your current problems with your smile, and recommend a customized approach to improving the way you look. You can be surprised at just how effective one treatment can be at making your desired changes, and giving you the smile you have always wanted to share with the world! (more…)

Having Custom Veneers Crafted To Address Your Smile Concerns

Is this a good time for you to consider cosmetic dental work? If you have an important event coming up, and you want to look your best, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how little time it takes to fit in a procedure. If your social or professional calendar is light, you can make the time to have work done, and count on the long-lasting results to remain in place when something does come up. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office is able to offer many different procedures that can offer patients a tremendous confidence boost. If you elect to have porcelain veneers placed on your teeth, you can see remarkable changes to your smile, and find that preserving your improvements is easier than you expect! (more…)

3 Things People Should Know About Life After Tooth Loss

How can tooth loss affect your life? The answer to this question will depend on how you respond to the matter. When you do nothing to address the loss of a tooth, or multiple teeth, you can start to have frustrating issues with biting and chewing, and you can become self-conscious about the way your incomplete smile looks. If you seek out the appropriate restorative dental work, and address those losses, you can minimize any issues connected to those losses. Your El Paso, TX dentist can provide restorations in the form of dental bridges and dentures, so make sure your smile is still complete. Our practice can also discuss dental implants with you, so that you can enjoy a superior degree of support for your restoration. (more…)