Category: General Dentistry

How To Safeguard Smiles Of All Ages From Home

Now that you and your loved ones are spending time indoors and avoiding large gatherings, you may find yourself slipping on your normal daily routines. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists want to talk about better home habits to protect your oral health and prevent the onset of serious concerns.

Dental Care And General Wellness

The health of our smiles can have a beneficial impact on our overall health as well. Right now, with the widespread concerns regarding COVID-19, many people are reconsidering visiting the dentist. While we agree that anyone feeling under the weather just should avoid going anywhere as a precaution, you should know that we always take… Read more »

When Does Snoring Need Treatment?

We all snore sometimes, and it isn’t usually a big deal. But what if we snore every night? What if we sometimes wake suddenly while doing so? In some cases, this annoying habit could actually be a symptom of something much more serious. When does your snoring need treatment from your El Paso, TX, dentists?

Can One Dental Office Really Care For Your Entire Family?

When it comes to the demands of family life, any opportunity to make your day more convenient can be greatly appreciated. When it comes to making sure everyone has access to oral health care, you can rely on our El Paso, TX dentist’s office to help you and your kids. We welcome patients of all… Read more »

We Can Help You Avoid Cavities Caused By Holiday Treats

Holidays tend to raise our spirits because we are able to spend more time with friends and family at fun social gatherings. These gatherings tend to offer an assortment of tasty foods and drinks that are hard to turn down. While these festive snacks and desserts can be tasty, they can be trouble for your… Read more »

Maintaining Optimal Periodontal Health

Keeping your gums healthy means avoiding serious complications, from the onset of gum disease to the loss of your natural teeth. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists can perform treatments in-house to manage your gum health and protect your smile from serious oral health issues.

We Can See You On Saturday

As working adults, finding time to see the dentist can be difficult. Between work, commutes, and carving out time for family, finding opportunity to address oral health is hard to come by. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists understand this, and we offer evening hours and Saturday hours, so we can see you without adding… Read more »

Don’t Let Your 2019 Benefits Expire Before You Use Them!

Can you believe November is already here? Winter will arrive before you know it! Which means the end of the year is coming and if you have dental insurance or a flex spending account, then you have funds and benefits you need to use before they expire on December 31st. Don’t let these hard-earned benefits… Read more »

We Have Saturday Hours!

People often have a hard time finding an opportunity to see their dentist. After all, between work hours and school events, families don’t have a lot of time to set up a visit during normal business hours. Your El Paso, TX, dentists understand, and we have evening hours and Saturday hours to allow our team… Read more »

Why Are Your Teeth Cleaned During Every Routine Checkup?

If you make the time to see your dentist for a routine evaluation, you can obviously appreciate having your teeth and gums thoroughly checked for problems. What you should know is that the goal during a routine visit is to help you avoid problems, not just to identify any that have developed. During every checkup… Read more »