The Dangers Of A Missing Tooth

How concerned should you be if you lose a tooth? For children, this is part of growing up. But! Should an adult lose a tooth, or a child lose one prematurely to cavities or infection, then overall oral health could suffer and serious complications could arise. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about the dangers of tooth loss, and possible solutions with dental implants.


Reasons To Start 2020 With Cosmetic Dental Work

How would you like to begin the new year with a big boost in your confidence? With the right cosmetic dental procedure, you can feel excited to show off your smile, which can help you enjoy an enthusiastic start to 2020. Our El Paso, TX dentists are ready to work with you in order to correct dental flaws, and generally improve the way you look. You can be surprised to learn that our practice can deliver results in a short time, even if you are hoping to address multiple concerns. In fact, with the right procedure, you can begin showing off your improved smile in less time than you might believe to be possible! (more…)

Can One Dental Office Really Care For Your Entire Family?

When it comes to the demands of family life, any opportunity to make your day more convenient can be greatly appreciated. When it comes to making sure everyone has access to oral health care, you can rely on our El Paso, TX dentist’s office to help you and your kids. We welcome patients of all ages to our practice, and we recognize how the needs of patients can change as they age. This means more than just providing the kind of routine preventive cleanings and exams that patients generally require. We can make sure that our younger patients are developing a clear sense of why good dental care is important, and help adults protect their teeth and gums from harm as they age. (more…)

We Can Help You Avoid Cavities Caused By Holiday Treats

Holidays tend to raise our spirits because we are able to spend more time with friends and family at fun social gatherings. These gatherings tend to offer an assortment of tasty foods and drinks that are hard to turn down. While these festive snacks and desserts can be tasty, they can be trouble for your smile if you enjoy too many of them during the season. Our El Paso dentist’s office wants everyone to enjoy their holidays while being mindful of their oral health. At your next routine dental exam, you can receive a close review of your smile that can reveal problems with tooth decay that might receive attention. It should be noted that our practice can also provide smart tips on better oral care at home, as well as an expert teeth cleaning, to help you avoid troubles with decay! (more…)