Should I Wait To Seek Emergency Dental Care?

When you develop a dental emergency, which could involve any damage or discomfort to the teeth or gums, how long should you wait to see your El Paso, TX, dentists? Well, we suggest you don’t wait at all! No matter what time you damage your smile, we’re here to help return your smile to optimal function and health. In today’s blog, let’s talk more about our approach to emergency dental care.


Do You Have Questions About Root Canal Therapy?

If you experience sudden and severe pain in your smile, then you may have a serious cavity, or possibly an infected tooth. Immediate treatment will be crucial for stopping the spread of infection and preventing the loss of your tooth. Fortunately, with a root canal procedure our team can preserve your tooth. Let’s answer a few common questions about this vital endodontic procedure.


Let Your Kids’ Dentist Know If Their Teeth Hurt

When your children complain about aching teeth, or tooth sensitivity when they eat or drink, this could point to the presence of an oral health issue. Cavities could mean a greater risk of an infected tooth or even a painful abscess unless treated. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists discuss what we can do to treat cavities in little smiles, and how to prevent tooth decay with routine homecare.


The Benefits Of A Dental Extraction

We strive to help our El Paso, TX, patients enjoy optimal oral health and full smiles, providing treatment to protect teeth from serious oral health complications and prevent tooth loss. However, in some situations removing a tooth may be crucial for safeguarding the smile. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about extractions, and how they prevent serious oral health problems, such as wisdom tooth impaction.


What Should I Do If I Chip A Tooth?

Chipped teeth are an example of a common dental emergency, one that could lead to serious consequences unless treated in a timely manner. In today’s blog, we would like to focus on what our El Paso, TX, patients could do to respond to damaged teeth before seeing us for treatment. With emergency dentistry, we have the skills and technology to repair smiles, often in a single visit!
