Category: Restorative Dentistry

A Few Truths About Root Canal Therapy

Treating dental issues, like internal tooth decay, is essential for several reasons. For instance, tooth decay is progressive, and if you don’t treat it quickly, it will only grow worse. Additionally, such issues can lead to high levels of discomfort, which can only be alleviated by addressing the problem. In the case of root canal… Read more »

A Few Facts About Fillings

Tooth fillings have been around almost as long as clinical dentistry itself (and perhaps longer), and today, they remain one of the most frequently recommended treatments. Part of the reason why is because cavities, the condition that fillings treat, are still the most common dental health issue around the world. The other reason is that… Read more »

Why Do Teeth Wear Down?

Your teeth are the most formidable parts of your body, which they have to be given the fact that they’re also the most used. When healthy, your teeth can withstand an incredible amount of bite pressure with minimal effort. However, under certain circumstances, even highly resilient tooth structure can eventually wear down or become damaged,… Read more »

Is It Time for Root Canal Therapy?

The good news about treating tooth decay is that you have several options for doing so. Each treatment is designed to address a specific level of decay while preserving a maximum amount of your healthy tooth structure. Root canal therapy, for instance, is preferable in severe cases, when infection has reached the inner chamber of… Read more »

What Is a Tooth-Colored Filling?

Keeping up with good hygiene at home and maintaining a strict schedule of visits to your dentist can help you avoid most dental issues, including cavities (which affect a large majority of people). However, prevention isn’t always guaranteed, and even when you take good care of your smile, you may still develop a cavity in… Read more »

Treating Different Kinds of Tooth Fractures

A fractured tooth is one that has been structurally damaged, i.e., cracked or fractured. Restoring the tooth, however, depends on the type and severity of the fracture. In some cases, the tooth may need extraction and replacement to prevent damage to the surrounding gums and jawbone. Today, we explain a few of the ways a… Read more »

Why Dental Crowns Work So Well

Because your teeth cannot repair themselves when damaged or threatened by disease, modern dentistry focuses much attention on creating effective, discrete man-made solutions to reinforce weakened teeth. As a custom-designed, fabricated replica of your tooth, a dental crown can offer a wide range of benefits in a number of different circumstances. Today, we explore some… Read more »

Should You Upgrade Your Filling to a Tooth-Colored One?

As our knowledge of dental health has progressed over the years, so have the techniques and materials used to treat common dental issues. For instance, cavities were once most commonly treated using durable metal amalgam fillings, which could effectively withstand the immense pressures of biting and chewing. Today, however, most people prefer tooth-colored fillings for… Read more »

3 Ways a Dental Crown Can Save Your Smile

Dental crowns are popular for several reasons. They’ve been around since the earliest forms of dentistry, and they continue to give patients a second chance after suffering tooth damage or severe decay. Today’s dental crowns come in a variety of materials and purposes to suit every patient’s unique needs. From complete cosmetic improvement to restoring… Read more »

What Everyone Should Know About Root Canals

For most people, visiting the dentist isn’t much of an ordeal, but when told that they need root canal treatment, many patients will still hesitate or wonder if there is a better alternative. The good news is that root canal therapy’s bad rap is undeserved. The procedure is typically quick and minimally invasive, and in… Read more »