By putting work into caring for your smile, you can lower your risk for oral health threats and generally preserve your appearance. Unfortunately, people who do a good job preventing problems with their health sometimes have concerns over the gradual buildup of teeth stains. Certain factors like your diet choices and the natural hardness of your enamel can affect how susceptible you are to the accumulation of stains that cause teeth to appear dull and discolored. At Sunny Smiles, we provide an effective treatment solution for this problem, one that you can actually enjoy in the comfort of your own home! With a personalized teeth whitening kit, you can fight discoloration and enjoy a welcome boost in your confidence! (more…)
Endodontic Care Through Root Canal Therapy
Endodontic services treat problems within your tooth structure. Whether your issue is with a severe cavity or an injury that has caused internal harm, it can be important to schedule the right kind of care. Sunny Smiles is prepared to help by providing root canal therapy when appropriate. This service will remove bacteria and infected tissues from within the tooth structure. In doing so, we will be able to stop an infection or internal injury from creating more problems, and from ultimately making you vulnerable to tooth loss. We should note that you can lower your risk for experiencing this kind of trouble when you keep up with regular dental exams, as these visits alert you to problems before they grow severe enough to require advanced treatment. (more…)
Finding A Dentist’s Office That Cares For Families
Having one dental office that is prepared to support you entire family makes keeping up with visits easier. It also helps to introduce your kids to care in an environment where they see you also enjoy support. Sunny Smiles makes oral health services available to families in the El Paso, TX area. Because we work with kids as well as adults, we can help make dental services easier to book and enjoy. For children who come in for pediatric care, we can provide an important introduction to dental health, monitor the development of their smile, and provide guidance so that they can learn to care for their oral hygiene without direct parental support. Adults who visit with us can rely on our continued support through preventive services, which cover all potential oral health concerns and let you discuss matters like cosmetic dentistry. (more…)
How Veneers Are Used In Cosmetic Dentistry
Through cosmetic dentistry, there are different smile flaws that we are capable of taking on in order to help our patients feel great about the way they look. With the right service, you can actually see multiple problems taken on at one time, which can lead to a significant confidence boost. Sunny Smiles provides patients interested in cosmetic work access to care with porcelain veneers. Through treatment with these restorations, we will be able to cover up damages to your tooth structure, concerns about dental discoloration, worries about poor spacing, and more! Because they can be placed in just two appointments, you can spend less time waiting to see the results you desire than you anticipate. Their durable design can ensure that those results truly last. (more…)
How Restorative Dentistry Responds To Smile Threats
A cavity is capable of doing significant harm to your oral health by gradually damaging a tooth and eventually causing an infection to form. Even when the problem is caught and treated before an infection can occur, the effect of decay leaves you with permanent harm to your enamel. Fortunately, with the right approach to treatment, this is a matter that can be effectively addressed so that your appearance and oral health are preserved. Sunny Smiles provides services that address the impact of decay on your well-being as well as the way your tooth looks. Restorative dentistry that preserves your smile will help you feel fully recovered—fortunately, you can have this king of appearance-friendly support even when you suffer advanced decay. (more…)
Are You Behind On Your General Dental Visits?
General dentistry provides an important line of defense for your smile, one that can keep you safe against cavities, gum disease, and other problems that can affect your appearance as well as your health. During your time in the dentist’s chair at Sunny Smiles, you can count on thorough reviews, guidance, and professional cleanings to lower your risks for problems. You can also rely on us to provide early warnings as well as treatments when there are issues to address. What can happen if you stop regularly scheduling these appointments? Without them, you are more vulnerable to the onset of problems as well as complications that can threaten your well-being and require more advanced restorative services. (more…)
The Pain Relief TMJ Therapy Can Offer
People who live with jaw pain can find that it affects them throughout the day, and that it can turn mealtimes into difficult and even painful experiences. Trouble with TMJ disorder stems from issues with the alignment and movement of your jaw. There are different reasons why these problems arise. However, when they do, there are certain consistent issues that you can expect to experience. For people who deal with this problem, Sunny Smiles can offer support. Treatment to correct this problem can lead to relief from ongoing pain and stiffness concerns. It can also lead to relief from issues with teeth grinding that threaten your appearance and well-being. (more…)
Cosmetic Improvements From Gum Contouring
There are real cosmetic improvements that are made possible with conservative treatment. At Sunny Smiles, we can provide different solutions to problems that make you self-conscious about how you look. What might surprise you is how we can approach different problems. For example, people who have asymmetrical smiles or problems with teeth that look short or squat can benefit from a service that focuses not on teeth but gum tissues. Gum contouring services help people make meaningful improvements to how they look while requiring only conservative changes. This one service can have lasting value, and it can help to make a truly remarkable transformation possible when it is part of more than one planned cosmetic service. (more…)
Cavity Care With Lifelike Dental Fillings
Does cavity treatment have to result in an unwelcome change to your smile? If you have a problem with decay that affects a front tooth, you can feel understandably concerned over how a restoration will look. Fortunately, there are treatment options that can provide protection for you without altering your appearance. Sunny Smiles is capable of placing dental fillings that blend with your enamel and avoid detection. Remember that timing matters when you need to have work done for decay; the longer it takes you to book treatment, the more likely you are to have complications that require more involved care. (more…)
Dental Services Offered On Saturdays
The more you have to do on your typical weekday, the less flexibility you can enjoy in your overall schedule. Sunny Smiles understands that finding time for dental checkups can be difficult for people when they already have to manage different responsibilities like work and parenting. With that said, we want patients to understand that access to care is important, and that appointments should be scheduled on a consistent basis. By maintaining regular office hours on Saturdays, we can make it easier for people to see us and enjoy the support they need to preserve their dental health and well-being. (more…)