Is your smile the same bright white shade it appeared in years past? If discoloration or stains are beginning to build on the surface of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry could provide options for returning the color you desire. By scheduling a consult with your dentist, we can evaluate your teeth to determine the nature of your imperfections. If we find that stains live within the enamel itself, we can offer a professional whitening treatment that lifts foreign material with the aid of a bleaching agent and powerful light. While over-the-counter solutions may seem convenient, professional whitening has the strength necessary to perform this service in under an hour. If we see that your discoloration is due to damage to the enamel itself, you may respond better to the placement of porcelain veneers. These cosmetic restorations simply sit in front of your natural teeth to provide a look you design with us. Whichever treatment best suits your situation, we will help you tackle your dental stains!
At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we are happy to serve El Paso residents who have concerns with their smile’s appearance. In addition to our preventive and restorative treatments, cosmetic dentistry allows you to realize a smile that matches how you feel about yourself. When you are proud of your smile’s look, you can regain the confidence that can be lacking when imperfections build on the surface of your teeth.