Checkups Can Prevent Big Problems

El Paso, TX, dentist offers checkups for preventive care

There is a reason we visit the dentist every six months. These checkups help detect for early signs of cavities, gingivitis, misalignment, and many more problems. Early prevention can help decrease potential treatment time and save you time, money, and discomfort in the future. Today, Sunny Smile’s Family Dentistry in El Paso is here to remind you to schedule your cleaning.

Treating Cavities And Gum Disease

Tooth decay is a common dental problem. Even when you practice good oral hygiene, bacteria can still erode your enamel and create cavities. You may not notice this, but your dentist can detect this during a cleaning. Cavities can be seen from a change in color or texture of your tooth and can be seen in X-rays. If caught in the earliest stage, there is a chance that you can reverse it. If not, the cavity can be treated with a filling. This will restore the tooth and prevent the decay from worsening.

Periodontal disease is also a concern for patients. This infection is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. Gum disease progresses in stages, starting with gingivitis. Proper dental care and checkups can prevent the development of this problem. If you begin to notice swelling of your gums, difficulty chewing, or bleeding when you floss, you should see your dentist, as this could be a sign of gingivitis. When treated early, you can reverse this problem. Unfortunately, though, later stages can only be managed and not treated fully. Deep cleanings can help maintain your symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease.

Preventive Care For Your Little One

Your child should be seeing the dentist regularly, too. These visits can help teach your child how to care for their smile and prevent cavities and other problems as well. During these appointments, a cleaning will be performed along with an examination. If early problems are detected, we will create a helpful treatment plan. For instance, if your little one has cavities, we can treat them with fillings and help teach your child how to properly care for their teeth.

Treating Sleep Disorders

Your dentist can also help if you have problems such as TMJ disorder, bruxism, and even sleep apnea. These disorders hurt your quality of rest and your dental health. Luckily, there is a simple and non-invasive way to treat many of these problems. At your next appointment, talk to your dentist about your concerns. They can help diagnose you and may recommend an oral appliance that can be worn at night to address a variety of sleep disorders.

Come In For A Cleaning Today

If it has been longer than six months since your last checkup, we are ready to see you again. To schedule an appointment, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, Texas, today at 915-759-7000.