Should You Get Gum Contouring?

El Paso, TX dentst offers gum contouring services

With so many cosmetic treatments available to patients, it can be overwhelming to know which are right for you. Professional teeth whitening can brighten your smile, and bonding can disguise minor blemishes. You can even pair these services with gum contouring, which gently reshapes your gingival tissue. This can help your grin appear to be more symmetrical. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentist will explain the benefits of this treatment and what to expect during this process.

Who Is A Good Candidate For This?

If you have healthy gums but feel like you have an excessive amount of this tissue, you may be a good participant in this type of contouring. Before this treatment, you will first need a consultation. The dentist will complete a thorough examination of your smile to determine that you are in good health and free of gingivitis.

If gingivitis, or any other stage of periodontal disease, is detected, you will need to undergo deep cleanings to manage this infection. Gingivitis occurs from a buildup of plaque and tartar beneath the gumline. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and many more problems.

The Process Of Contouring

Once it is determined that gum contouring is a suitable treatment for you, an appointment can be scheduled. Before it begins, sedation can be used for your comfort. Then, the dentist will use a special tool to remove excess gingival tissue. The remaining will be reshaped around your teeth to create an even appearance. If your gumline has any bumps or unevenness, these can be polished as well. After the treatment, you may experience mild sensitivity, but this should go away within a couple of days. If you have any questions or concerns, you can call your dentist.

Pair With Other Treatments

You can have gum contouring performed on its own, or pair it with other cosmetic services. Many patients may choose to combine this treatment with professional teeth whitening. Your dentist will assess your smile’s needs and create a tailored brightening kit based on your needs. You will apply the bleaching agent and tray every day for a set amount of days. In just a few days you can have a stain-free smile.

For patients with deeper discoloration, bonding can be used as an alternative to whitening. Composite resin will be bonded to the blemished areas of the tooth. This permanent solution can disguise the uneven appearance and look completely natural. You will be free to eat, drink, and smile as usual.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Your smile can be improved by reshaping uneven gums and more. If you are interested in this cosmetic procedure or others, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.