Category: Children’s Dentistry

When Does Your Child Need Braces?

When our teeth become crowded or crooked, this could lead to serious problems for your smile’s health and stability. In order to correct the poor alignment, a child’s smile may benefit from orthodontics, also known as braces. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists discuss the importance of treating misalignment early!

Keep Your Family’s Smiles Free Of Decay This Halloween!

In less than two weeks, your little ones will be donning their costumes and hitting the streets to trick or treat. We love Halloween, and hope you and your loved ones and friends have a fantastic time this year. However, we also want to make sure that smiles of ages stay free of tooth decay…. Read more »

Repairing Little Smiles With Minimal Restorations

As adults, when we develop cavities we need a restoration, such as a filling, to repair the tooth and prevent complications. Children are no different! When a cavity forms in little smiles, or if a crack or chip occurs, then a minimal restoration may be necessary to return smiles to optimal health and beauty.

Will A Healthier Diet Prevent Cavities in Children’s Smiles?

In our last blog, we briefly mentioned how a better diet could help little smiles stay free of cavities. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists would like to discuss this subject in greater detail. The foods and drinks kids and adults consume can have a major impact on the health and beauty of… Read more »

Placing Minimal Restorations To Treat Your Child’s Smile

What happens when a child develops a cavity, or if a tooth becomes damaged? In these situations, we can help El Paso, TX, children enjoy a healthier smile by treating cavities and preventing more serious complications from developing. How do we create and place a minimal restoration? When should your child receive one?

When Should Kids Start Brushing And Flossing?

Every six months, you should see your children’s dentist so your little ones can obtain the preventive care needed to maintain optimal oral health and avoid cavities. However, children also benefit from daily brushing and flossing, which helps control plaque buildup and remove food particles. When should children start brushing and flossing their teeth?

How Do Kids Get Cavities?

If your child complains about a toothache, or hasn’t seen the dentist in a long while, then chances are a toothache could form and lead to negative impacts on his or her smile health. But how do kids get cavities? In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, kids’ dentists explain how a cavity forms, and… Read more »

How Does My Child Brush And Floss Properly?

Routine care for kids helps stave off serious oral health concerns, such as tooth decay and gingivitis. In addition to seeing their El Paso, TX, dentists every six months, kids also need to care for their teeth and gums from home. In today’s blog, we’re talking about what parents and kids can do to ensure… Read more »

Early Care From Your Kids’ Dentist

  Children of all ages benefit from early care, in which we start the process of examining and cleaning smiles at a young age, and instilling good oral habits. Did you know that children as young as age one benefit from routine care? Let’s talk about children’s dentistry, when to bring your kids to our… Read more »

Does Your Child Need A Minimal Restoration?

What does it mean when your child has a toothache? If the pain is short-lived, this may simply mean a cold or possibly sinus or allergy issues. However, persistent pain may point to a cavity, which needs treatment to prevent the premature loss of a baby tooth. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists… Read more »