Do you stay on top of your visits to the dentist? If it has been a while since you last sat for a cleaning, remember it’s never too late to get back on track! By receiving a professional cleaning, you require the assistance necessary to help fight tooth decay and prevent gum disease. While this routine procedure does not take more than an hour, scheduling them every six months supports your at-home care to help you preserve your smile! By examining your oral structures regularly, we create a dental record that allows us to detect any abrupt changes as soon as they occur. If we discover any active concern during your checkup, we can address it then or refer you to a follow-up appointment for a more involved procedure.
At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we take a preventive approach toward preserving your smile. You do your part by brushing and flossing each day, and we do ours by providing professional cleanings and inspections. Because plaque can harden into a calcified substance called tartar, you require the skill of a hygienist to make sure your mouth is fully clean. Otherwise waiting to schedule a visit until you experience painful symptoms can mean it’s too late to preserve certain structures.