Answering Questions About Porcelain Veneers

Your teeth may be small, but your smile is one of your most immediately noticeable features. Therefore, improving cosmetic tooth blemishes can benefit your self-confidence as much as your smile’s appearance. In many cases, porcelain veneers are the best option for addressing cosmetic dental concerns, especially if you have more than one concern to deal with at a time. To find out if they’re the right option for you, we answer a few common questions about porcelain veneers and how they can improve your smile. (more…)

In Case You Grind Your Teeth Too Much

Everyone grinds their teeth occasionally, but like all things, doing it too much can prove more harmful than you realize. Bruxism is a condition in which you constantly grind your teeth together, most often at night, and you may not always be able to stop yourself. Over time, the incessant pressure and friction can wear down and weaken your teeth, leading to greater risks of other issues, like tooth decay and TMJ disorder. If bruxism is making you grind your teeth too much, then your dentist may be able to help you stop with a custom-designed oral appliance. (more…)

Can Dental Implants Stop Further Tooth Loss?

Tooth loss can occur for numerous reasons, from the severe advancement of a dental health issue to a sudden, traumatic impact that breaks the tooth or destroys its connective tissues. For instance, gum disease destroys the foundations that support your teeth, namely gum tissue and jawbone structure, until teeth have no legs to stand on, so to speak. If one or more teeth are already missing, then your smile’s foundation may already be eroding, with or without the presence of gum disease. Fortunately, dental implants can help prevent further tooth loss by replacing a vital component of your lost teeth—their roots. (more…)

Treating Different Kinds of Tooth Fractures

A fractured tooth is one that has been structurally damaged, i.e., cracked or fractured. Restoring the tooth, however, depends on the type and severity of the fracture. In some cases, the tooth may need extraction and replacement to prevent damage to the surrounding gums and jawbone. Today, we explain a few of the ways a tooth can fracture, and how to restore or replace your fractured tooth to effectively preserve the rest of your oral health. (more…)

The Growth and Extraction of Wisdom Teeth

A healthy human mouth typically grows 32 permanent teeth by early adulthood. Unfortunately, the average human mouth is only suited to hold 28 teeth comfortably. The last four teeth are known as wisdom teeth, or third molars. Although not everyone grows all or any of these teeth, when they do come in, they are frequently accompanied by great discomfort and a threat to your oral health. So frequently, in fact, that many people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed before they can begin to cause trouble. Today, we explore why extracting third molars is often wiser than waiting to see how they will behave. (more…)

A Few Tips for Better Sleep

Without sleep, your mind and body couldn’t rest and would soon begin to wear down. Aside from making you move slowly, sleep deprivation can also inhibit your ability to concentrate, make you more irritable, and lead to a host of various health problems. There are a number of issues that can affect your sleep cycle, and finding adequate rest often depends on diagnosing and treating the underlying issue, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In the meantime, however, we offer a few tips for better sleep throughout the night. (more…)

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Dental Cleanings

When you brush and floss your teeth twice every day, the ritual can become so ingrained that you do it automatically, without always thinking about it. Professional dental cleanings, however, are typically spaced out every six months, with enough space between them that they may not exactly feel routine. Nevertheless, professional care and maintenance is as important as daily hygiene. If you forget or neglect to attend a dental cleaning, then your toothbrush and floss might not be as effective as you think. Today, we explain the importance of regular dental cleanings, and the consequences of skipping one or more of them. (more…)

3 Reasons Tooth-Colored Fillings Work Better

Treating cavities has long been an important part of professional dentistry, and until relatively recently, most patients relied on durable metal fillings to restore their teeth. Today, however, tooth-colored fillings are a better, increasingly more popular option for treating cavities in a discreet and safe manner. While their main attraction is their appearance, tooth-colored fillings offer a number of functional benefits that make them preferable over traditional metal fillings. (more…)

How Gum Disease Becomes a Problem

Though you may not realize it, periodontal (gum) disease probably affects most of the people you know. In fact, nearly 80% of adults in the United States are afflicted with the chronic condition, and it’s the number one cause of adult tooth loss. However, as a progressive illness, periodontal disease goes through several stages before it can claim one or more of your teeth. Therefore, treating it depends on the stage at which you detect it. Today, we explore the process by which gum disease becomes a problem, and how you can increase your chances of successfully treating it early. (more…)

Do You Have TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder isn’t limited to a specific few symptoms, and its resulting discomfort may not always seem related to your dental health. Chronic headaches, recurring earaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and neck and shoulder pain can indicate TMJ disorder, but they are also symptoms of a lot of other conditions. Today, we explain how you can gauge the likelihood of TMJ disorder by examining its symptoms and judging your jaw’s balance. (more…)