How A Dental Implant Holds Your Restoration In Place

The support a dental implant provides your dental prosthetic can have a positive effect on your quality of life, your confidence, and your dental function. Implants serve an important role when it comes to restoring your complete smile. Because dental prostheses are only replacing the crown of your tooth (the portion above your gum line), you miss out on some of the important advantages that roots provide. Your implant takes over the responsibilities of teeth roots. In addition to securing the restoration to your jaw, the implant can keep neighboring roots stable, provide better support for biting and chewing, and preserve the health of your jawbone. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office can talk to you about using dental implant support to bring back your full smile. (more…)

An Impacted Wisdom Tooth Can Become A Big Problem

When it comes to most oral health care scenarios, a tooth extraction is seen as a last resort. However, when it comes to wisdom teeth, their removal is often recommended. This is because these teeth, which arrive later in life, may create several problems due to their presence alone. Because people often lack the space to comfortably receive these teeth, crowding of your teeth can occur, which can lead to pain, and problems with your dental alignment. You can also experience difficult issues if a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, meaning it is not able to fully erupt. An impacted wisdom tooth can lead to more pain, and more significant damage. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX dentist’s office is ready to help by performing your wisdom tooth extraction! (more…)

What Should I Do If I Have A Concern About An Older Filling?

When a dental filling is placed, the goal is for that restoration to offer permanent support to your tooth. The unfortunate issue is that dental fillings, like your tooth structure, can slowly accumulate wear and tear over time, and they can eventually be affected to a degree that calls for attention from a professional. If you have an older filling that feels loose, or that you suspect is no longer offering enough support for your tooth, our El Paso, TX dental practice is ready to help! We can replace a worn or damaged filling with a new restoration, so your tooth is once again provided with the support you need. (more…)

Professional Whitening Treatment Can Boost Your Confidence

Summertime is a great time for vacations, for family activities, and for outdoor fun. All of these can encourage plenty of picture-taking, which can be less than exciting for people who feel self-conscious about the look of their teeth. One common smile problem is discoloration, which can worsen over time due to the popularity of so many foods and beverages that can stain your teeth. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office can talk to you about using a professional teeth whitening treatment to make dramatic improvements to the appearance of your teeth. This approach to cosmetic dental work can be accessible, and – because you can take a whitening kit home with you – remarkably convenient! (more…)

Addressing A Cavity That Affects A Child’s Smile

While cavities are a problem for patients at any age, it can be particularly worrying to learn that decay is affecting your child’s smile. You can take important steps to prevent problems from occurring by helping them practice smart oral health habits at home, limiting their sugar intake, and scheduling regular pediatric dental visits for them. Unfortunately, even with dedicated smile care, some children will wind up experiencing at least one cavity, potentially at an early age. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office is prepared to take on restorative dental work for young patients. We can make sure decay is fully treated, while still minimizing the potential effect on a child’s tooth structure. (more…)

Check Out Fun With Corn! At The Magoffin Historic Center

On Thursday, May 30, the Magoffin Home State Historic Site’s Visitor Center will welcome families to take part in Fun With Corn! During this special event, there will be games, crafts, and other fun activities that teach how corn was used and depended on in the nineteenth century. There will be a number of planned events for kids, including hands-on fun that may leave them with dirty clothes. Snacks will be provided, but participants should bring a sack lunch. While food products could serve a number of purposes in earlier periods of history, our focus today tends to be on what different food items offer in terms of taste, and nutrition. Of course, you should also think about how your food choices affect your teeth! Your El Paso, TX dentist can talk to you about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet for your smile during your next routine dental checkup. (more…)

Cosmetic Dental Work Can Address A Chip In Your Tooth

All it takes is a relatively small chip in your tooth to make you self-conscious about your smile. The particularly frustrating problem with dental injuries is that they can be so difficult to hide, and they can lead to a permanent change in your appearance without treatment. While your tooth may be unable to heal on its own, cosmetic dental work can help you bring back your smile. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office is prepared to provide care to improve the way you look after you chip a tooth. You can discuss your options for treatment after a problem occurs, and discover that your improvements can be made in relatively little time. (more…)

Making Treatment Plans After Your Dentist Finds A Cavity

Ideally, the only follow-up care you and your dentist will plan at the end of your routine dental exam is your next appointment. However, patients sometimes discover that they have a problem with their oral health that needs to be addressed with the appropriate restorative dental procedure. In the event that this occurs, you can be glad to know that early detection can limit how much trouble your tooth is really in, so the care you need is less than it might be if you were not keeping up with preventive appointments. (more…)

We Offer Care To Address The Health, And Look, Of Your Gums

The health and look of your gum tissues can be significant to your overall oral health, and your appearance. When it comes to your oral health, proper care at home, combined with regular dental exams, can offer you key support against problems like gingivitis. With that said, you should take the matter seriously if you start to detect signs of an infection – without timely intervention, the matter can become increasingly significant, and more difficult to treat. If your concerns around your gum tissues are more rooted in cosmetic issues, you can find out how a gum contouring treatment can lead to great improvements. In addition to helping you address dental concerns, your El Paso, TX dentist’s office is ready to help you tackle these periodontal matters! (more…)

Schedule A Root Canal To Save Your Tooth From Advanced Decay

Leaving a cavity untreated can lead to a problem that affects more than just your tooth. As decay worsens, your pulp – the inner chamber of your tooth – can be exposed to bacteria. When this occurs, you can suffer from dental sensitivity and tooth pain. If the problem is not addressed at this stage, bacteria can move through your root to create additional concerns for your well-being. Your El Paso, TX dentist is ready to take on an advanced cavity, and protect your oral health, by performing a root canal treatment. When a root canal treatment is performed, it protects you from an issue that could cost you your tooth! (more…)