Don’t Let Wisdom Teeth Hurt Your Smile!

If you or a member of your family is approaching adulthood, now is the prime time to address your wisdom teeth. Also known as third molars, these are four additional teeth that may erupt as we leave our teens and enter our adult years. Without treatment, this could mean poor alignment and other serious oral health issues. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists can remove these teeth before they pose a risk!


How Removing Plaque Buildup Improves Oral Health

Have you ever heard of plaque? A bacterial byproduct, this sticky material poses a serious risk to the health of smiles of all ages. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists will look at how removing this buildup from your smile can improve oral health and prevent serious complications, such as gum disease. Find out how removing plaque buildup through a dental cleaning can help your smile!


Treating Tooth Decay With A Filling

If you have a cavity, you may experience discomfort in and around a tooth. Unless treated, this discomfort could grow worse as the risks of serious complications grows as well. In order to help smiles of all ages, from kids to adults, we may treat the tooth decay using a lifelike dental filling. Find out how your El Paso, TX, dentists address cavities and provide a restoration that blends with the smile.


What Kind Of Cleaning Does Your Smile Need?

Did you know your El Paso, TX, dentists offer more than one type of cleaning? There’s a big difference between a routine six-month option, and a periodontal cleaning. One is necessary to maintain a healthy smile, the other to reverse inflammation and manage your oral health. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the difference between these preventive treatments and explaining why they can be essential for maintaining optimal oral health.
