When you prioritize your oral health, you can prevent common problems that strike those who do not visit their dentist regularly. This is because your semiannual checkups provide an opportunity to remove plaque and tartar deposits that you cannot clean away on your own. While your daily brushing and flossing habits form the basis for your oral hygiene, a dental checkup also helps detect the beginnings of oral problems before they grow into significance. This could mean treating a minor cavity before it creates a tooth infection or requires the restoration of a dental crown.
At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we enjoy seeing you regularly to clean your teeth and stay on top of your smile goals. By creating a dental record, we can notify you when changes develop in your grin. By cleaning your teeth every six months, we prevent plaque from leading to severe cases of decay or disease. If we notice the symptoms of gum infection, we could put you on periodontal maintenance therapy to restore your gingival health. By taking care of your smile both at home and in the dentist’s chair, you do your part to hold decay at bay!