Achieve A Brighter Smile With Zoom!

Brighter Smile El Paso TXYou depend on your smile each and every day, so when you are unhappy with its appearance, it can really bring you down. If you are struggling with the quality of your look due to tooth discoloration, take the time to meet with your dentist to discuss your options in treatment. While there are now many over-the-counter options to remove stains, these can actually be harmful to your oral health if used improperly.

At our dental office in El Paso, TX, Sunny Smiles is here to help you understand your enamel stains. Come in for your semiannual dental checkup and ask about ways to avoid further staining, as well as develop a treatment plan for improving the look of your smile. Enamel stains can be difficult to remove on your own, so if they have started to become a little too stubborn, reach out to our team. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about cosmetic teeth whitening from a trusted oral health provider!

Meet With Your Dentist Before You Start To Make Any Changes

When you want to enhance your look, it might feel easy to reach for a supermarket solution. After all, if you can skip the visit to the dentist, why not take matters into your own hands?

Well, there are a few reasons why you should not forego your regular semiannual dental checkups. For one, your tooth discoloration may be a result of a different concern than extrinsic enamel staining. If you try to bleach your teeth when the cause is internal, you could be wasting your time with drugstore products. And since overbleaching can cause lasting dentin sensitivity, you want to be careful about what you put on your teeth. Instead, take the time to talk with a trained dentist about the changes that you would like to see.

Work With A Trusted Team In Your Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

After your dentist gives you a diagnosis, it is time to talk about your options in treatment. For extrinsic enamel stains, lifting that yellowed or dull nature from your teeth can be a struggle on your own, but we have you covered. Remember that this all starts with a dental checkup.

With Philips Zoom! whitening, you can have the convenience of an at-home cosmetic solution alongside care from your dentist. We will give you a custom set of trays and an effective lifting agent. Simply fill your trays and wear them for the prescribed period of time. See results in as little as two weeks with this method!

Find Out More With Sunny Smiles In El Paso, TX

If you are ready to make a change, talk with our team about ways to improve your appearance. To learn more about cosmetic teeth whitening, give us a call at your local Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at (915) 849-9000.