If you struggle to make it to lunchtime without feeling exhausted, it may be a sign that you have a common sleep disorder related to your oral health. Two of the five most common of these conditions center around the function of your mouth and your throat, and they can make it difficult to enjoy the things that you love to do. If you are waking up with a sore jaw, or if your loved ones have mentioned their concern over your problem snoring, take the time to meet with your dentist about treatment so that you can embrace the day.
At our helpful dental office in El Paso, TX, you can take steps to improve the quality of your sleep with dedicated treatment for your common sleep disorder. This approach can be beneficial for both overnight teeth grinding and obstructive sleep apnea, so speak with your dentist about whether an oral appliance is right for your specific needs. If your problem snoring has you up all night, an oral appliance works by gently repositioning your jaw forward, helping you to breathe deeply all night long. Our team is here to help, so stop waiting and give us a call! (more…)