Month: July 2021

Changes Made Possible With Cosmetic Dentistry

What kind of treatment options are available to you if you want to show off a more attractive smile? Through cosmetic services, Sunny Smiles can take on a variety of concerns and make significant improvements possible. As little as one service may be all that you need to correct problems with the shape, size, and… Read more »

General Dental Visits And Your Well-Being

Can smile care really benefit more than just your smile? By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can better protect your overall health. Gum disease can affect many people, but the condition can be addressed before there are complications that lead to long-term difficulties. However, when an infection does become too severe,… Read more »

How Veneers Restore Flawed Smiles

No matter how long they have bothered you, or how severe they are, smile flaws can be a big drain on your confidence. Cosmetic problems with teeth vary . Some people are primarily concerned with discoloration, while others may have issues with dental damage, or with naturally occurring issues with tooth shape or size. Sunny… Read more »

How An Oral Appliance Fits Into TMJ Therapy

When you feel pain every time you yawn, speak, or eat, when headaches become a persistent problem, or when you have issues with jaw stiffness or pain, you should be concerned about TMJ disorder. This problem develops whenever you have unresolved issues that affect your jaw joint alignment and movement. At Sunny Smiles, we can… Read more »

When You Start Planning A Smile Makeover

When you first imagine yourself starting a smile makeover, you may feel as though you are committing to a long, elaborate treatment process that will be difficult to complete. With that said, the end results of treatment can be hard to pass up, even if you are concerned about the steps included. Our practice can… Read more »

Bringing Loved Ones To Your Family Dentist

Parents need to support their kids’ smiles, just as they need to address their own oral health needs. What you may not realize is that while you and your children may need different forms of support from the dentist, one practice can help everyone in your household! Sunny Smiles is ready to meet with patients… Read more »

Enjoy Consistent Support At Dental Checkups

It is hard to overstate the importance of consistency when it comes to caring for your smile. On a daily basis, you should brush at least twice and floss at least once, and you should be consistent with smart diet choices as well as in your efforts to clean your smile. As important as it… Read more »

Taking Home Your Custom Teeth Whitening Kit

Can you do something about teeth stains in the comfort of your own home? You can find different products at your local grocery store or pharmacy that offer to help brighten your smile, but they can ultimately have limited impact on the way you look. To see truly impressive changes, people often turn to their… Read more »

When A Toothache Feels Like An Emergency

A toothache can be difficult to ignore, especially when you try to eat or drink, but should you think of pain as a reason to schedule emergency treatment? Problems with significant and persistent pain should not be ignored. By delaying care, you can let a problem worsen, and that can raise your risk for losing… Read more »

How A Resin Filling Matches Your Enamel

Treatment for a cavity includes the placement of a permanent restoration, something that you will need due to the effect decay has on your enamel. The tissue damage you experience is permanent, which is why prompt treatment to minimize harm is so important. The good news is that with a custom, lifelike filling, Sunny Smiles… Read more »