Category: General Dentistry

Time For A Checkup?

Time For A checkup? el paso

Your routine oral health prevention makes a real difference. While you wait to schedule your biannual checkups, your smile becomes your responsibility alone, and there may be places you miss when you’re brushing and flossing, leading to bacterial buildup that causes tooth decay and gingivitis. Most people need these visits every six months, so if… Read more »

Spring Into A Safer Smile

safer smile A Spring Smile el paso tx

Are you taking the time to keep up with your smile? Well, if you are skipping your routine biannual checkups, then you are not doing all that you can to keep yourself safe. Common dental concerns like tooth decay and gingivitis can start to occur when you ignore your oral health maintenance, so make sure… Read more »

Time For Your Next Checkup?

next checkup el paso tx

If it’s been longer than six months since the last time that you were in the dental chair, then it’s time to refresh your smile. You need to see your oral health provider at least twice each year, but for many Americans, it can be a real struggle due to their schedule. But even if… Read more »

This Could Be Your Year Of Oral Health

the year of oral health

Over the holidays, you may have taken some time to think about your 2024. If you decided that you want to make 2025 your year of oral health, there are a few things that are important to handle first, and this all starts with a visit to your dentist for a cleaning and examination. You… Read more »

Make Your Oral Health A Priority This Year

El Paso, TX, dentist offers checkups

This is a busy time of year for many people. If you weren’t able to make it in for a checkup before the holiday season, you may want to consider planning a cleaning and examination at the start of the year. This can allow you to ensure you have a happy and healthy smile and… Read more »

Experience A Fresher Smile

A Fresher Smile el paso tx

This is the perfect time of the year to renew your oral health focus. That’s the case for a number of reasons, including the way that dental insurance is set up. For most people, these benefits expire at the end of the calendar year, meaning that if you do not come visit your dentist between… Read more »

Use Your Benefits Before They Expire!

use your benefits el paso tx

Have you been missing your dental appointments? Now’s the time to get caught up. You pay for your dental insurance, so you want to make sure that you take full advantage of your benefits. Since these most likely do not roll over into the next year, you have a choice: do you want to let… Read more »

Time For A Checkup? Don’t Wait!

time for a checkup el paso tx

In the world of dentistry, prevention is key, and by sticking to your schedule of checkups, you give yourself a great opportunity to avoid serious oral health problems. While you wait, bacterial accumulation of plaque and tartar can start to appear in areas of your smile where your brushing and flossing simply is not enough…. Read more »

Focus On Your Gum Health

focus on your gum health el paso tx

Your smile is more than just your teeth. While we know that they are the stars in the show, there are other parts that make up the supporting cast. It’s hard to talk about oral health without mentioning your gums, and your periodontal tissue provides serious support for your smile. When you take care of… Read more »

Take Care Of Your Teeth This Spooky Season

spooky season el paso tx

The fall can be a tough time of the year for dentists. With all of the candy flowing around, people are at a higher risk of experiencing common problems like tooth decay and gum disease. This Halloween, make sure that you are doing all you can to keep up with your oral health. Your efforts… Read more »