Even with a dedication to your brushing and flossing, there still may be times when you experience an injury to your smile. The important thing to remember is that when this happens, it is time to call your dentist to talk about your options in treatment. This condition can become quite serious if ignored, so you need to call your provider and come in for an examination. When you break a tooth, you put yourself at risk of a bacterial infection.
At Sunny Smiles, we know the danger that a cracked or broken tooth can provide. When an internal tooth infection begins, it can lead to a serious nagging toothache that simply will not go away, and at this point, it requires a root canal or even an extraction to stop the pain. With restoration for your injured area, you can fight back against further deterioration and work to keep your smile safe into the future. To find out more or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!