Helping You Select A Teeth Whitening Treatment

Young confident woman smiling on purple background

When it comes to problems with staining or discoloration of your teeth, a professional treatment can provide remarkable results! With different options to help accommodate your schedule, our whitening systems go beyond those that you can buy in a store. In today’s blog, your Sunny Smiles dentist explores how you can receive a brighter smile with professional teeth whitening in our office or at home! (more…)

Reshaping Smiles With Gum Contouring

el paso gum contouring

We don’t just contour your teeth, we can also do the same to improve the appearance of your gum tissues. A gum contouring procedure can address “gummy smiles” and correct the symmetry of your smile. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about the benefits of our comfortable and precise gum contouring procedure, which we can use to improve the overall beauty and health of your smile!
