Even with a dedication to your routine oral health of brushing and flossing, you still need to see the dentist from time to time for periodic visits for examinations and a thorough cleaning of your smile. Since the recommendation for these appointments is once every six months in an otherwise healthy individual, you may have heard these referred to as your semiannual dental checkup, but some people may need more frequent talks with their provider to keep themselves safe from tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Here at Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, we understand the importance of oral health prevention, and that is why we place such an emphasis on having our patients stick to their schedule of exams and imagery. If it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist for a semiannual dental checkup, take the time to come into our office for a refresh. To find out more about our office, or to schedule your next appointment with our team, give us a call today!