Thinking About Making A Change?

making a change el paso txYour smile is a huge part of who you are, and when yours is not what you’d like it to be, then it can be tough. Other people notice the quality of your smile, so when it’s time to think about making a change, start your voyage with a visit to your dentist. By working with a trusted oral health professional, you give yourself the opportunity to focus on a stronger smile while you enhance your smile.

With our team at Sunny Smiles, you can take steps to reach your smile goals. If it’s been longer than six months since your last visit, you are due for a checkup anyway, so while you are in the office for a cleaning and examination, be sure to ask your provider about all of your cosmetic options. With a range of cosmetic services like professional Philips Zoom! teeth whitening, veneers, and more, we are ready to help you achieve a quality smile. It starts with a phone call, so don’t put it off any longer.

Ready to refresh your smile? Call Sunny Smiles today.


How We Can Restore Your Smile In One Day


same-day dental implants in El Paso, TX

Tooth loss can happen for many reasons – advanced periodontal disease, accidents, cavities, and more. When this happens, it can severely affect your self-confidence and the functions of your smile. You might struggle with eating your favorite foods or experience misalignment from the gaps between your teeth. Your team at Sunny Smiles can help find a way to replace your missing teeth and give you a renewed sense of confidence. In some cases, we may be able to achieve this in just one day. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about same-day implants.


Restore Your Smile With A Dedicated Dentist

Restore Your Smile el paso txYour smile forms the foundation for every first impression that you make. That means that if you are struggling with a chipped or broken tooth, it could really affect the way that others see you. Even more than that, if you have lost the natural protection of your enamel, then you could be at risk of a potentially serious bacterial infection. When this happens, it can lead to a painful toothache, so take time to restore your smile with a dentist you trust.

When you come see the team at Sunny Smiles, you have a dedicated dentist who is ready to renew your oral health. Broken, cracked, or chipped teeth can become real hazards, meaning that if you have been waiting to schedule your appointment to talk about restoration, you are putting yourself at risk. Before bacteria cause further damage, take the time to talk to a talented dentist about finding the course of care that you need to experience a safe, beautiful smile.

Broken a tooth? Restore your smile with our friendly crew at Sunny Smiles.


Brighten Your Smile With Your Dentist

brighten your smile el paso txWhen you look in the mirror, do you notice that your smile has started to fade? If you are having a tough time with your enamel stains, make your first step a checkup with your dentist; they have the tools and training to help you reach your goals. While there are many over-the-counter cosmetic treatments available, and most safe for general use, they simply cannot give you the tailored care that you need. So, when it’s time to brighten your smile, start with your next checkup.

Here at Sunny Smiles, you have a dedicated dental team that’s ready to help you reach the smile that you deserve. That starts with your prevention, and your biannual checkups are a big part of staying safe. Most people need to see their provider twice each year, so if you have not been in for a cleaning and examination in the last six months, then it is time to come in for your care. And while you’re here, let’s talk about enhancing your smile with professional teeth whitening from Philips Zoom!

Lift your stubborn stains with effective teeth whitening. Call Sunny Smiles today.


Making Dental Care More Fun For Kids

El Paso, TX, dentist offers kids dentistry

A good oral hygiene routine starting at a young age can make the habits stick and protect their long-term health. If you have noticed that your little one struggles with brushing and flossing, or dislikes going to the dentist, it can make taking care of their teeth difficult. Your team at Sunny Smiles offers a caring approach to children’s dentistry that may be able to improve their routines. In our blog today, we’re here with a few tips to make oral hygiene easier for young patients.


Stay On Schedule With Your Prevention

Stay On Schedule el paso txKeeping your smile at a high level as you age takes some real dedication: dedication to your brushing and flossing, and also to your biannual checkups. These visits are vital to your smile success, helping you to be free of plaque and tartar buildup, while also giving you the chance to talk with your dentist. If it has been a while since the last time that you were in the dental chair, take this opportunity to stick up for your smile. When you stay on schedule with your prevention, it makes a real difference.

With our team at Sunny Smiles, you can keep an eye on your smile. We are here to help people in El Paso and beyond to improve their oral health, and we are ready to work with you to strengthen your prevention with biannual checkups, restoration, and more. If you have been longer than six months since your last checkup, you are due for a cleaning and examination, so come see a trusted, local, dental team.

Stay on the right track. Schedule your next checkup at Sunny Smiles.


Show Off A Beautiful Smile

Show Off A Beautiful Smile el paso txIf you are unhappy with your smile, take some time to learn about your cosmetic options. You have oral health possibilities, and they start with a checkup at the dentist; if it’s been longer than six months since your last appointment, you are due for one anyway. And while you are in the dental chair, take the opportunity to find out what your smile could be. You can work toward a beautiful smile, and we’re here to be your guide.

When you come see the team at Sunny Smiles, you have a dedicated dentist who roots for your smile success. With a range of effective cosmetic procedures designed to help you look your best, we are ready to work with you toward the smile you deserve. If you have been thinking about ways to improve your oral health while enhancing your look, we have possibilities for you. It all starts with a phone call.

Show off your smile. Call Sunny Smiles today!


Take Time For Your Gum Health

take time your gums el paso txYour smile does a lot for you, helping you to chew, speak, and give off that wonderful smile. But in order to do look and function their best, our teeth need the help of the surrounding tissue, and that means that your gums are a huge part of your oral health journey. Keeping up with your gums takes dedication, so if you’ve started to notice a shift in your gumline, take time to learn how to fight back against gingivitis.

Here at Sunny Smiles, we work hard to help people in our community to have the smile that they deserve. We also know that in order to do that, you need to stick to your schedule of cleanings and examinations, so when you find that it has been longer than six months since your last visit, we’re ready to keep you on the right track. And if you need some help in uplifting your periodontal health, we can help you to experience a fresher smile, even below the gumline.

Make an effort in your oral health journey. Schedule your next checkup today at Sunny Smiles.


Is Coffee Not Enough Anymore?

coffee not el paso txIf you struggle to wake up and feel refreshed, it might be due to a common sleep disorder called chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occurs when your throat blocks your own airway during sleep, and it can pose serious health problems if ignored. Those with untreated obstructive sleep apnea are at a significantly higher risk of developing type II diabetes and experiencing heart attack or stroke. So, it’s important to find a treatment option that works for you, so you can stay compliant with your care.

With Sunny Smiles, you have a team that’s dedicated to your rest success. We also understand that hoses and wires are simply not for everyone; that’s why we offer advanced oral appliance therapy, which works in a different way than traditional CPAP methods. Through a simple readjustment of the placement of your jaw, an oral appliance opens up the airway, allowing you to breathe deeply throughout the night. So, stop waiting for your snoring to stop on its own.

When coffee’s no longer enough to wake you up, call Sunny Smiles. We’re here for you.


Check Up On Your Smile

check up on your smile el paso txIf it has been longer than six months since your last visit at the dentist, then you’ve been too long. For most people, the goal is to see the dentist for a cleaning and examination twice each year, and these are aa big part of your smile success story. When you miss these appointments, you put yourself at real risk of developing tooth decay, periodontal problems, and more, so make the effort to check up on your smile from time to time.

Here at Sunny Smiles, we work hard to help people in El Paso to have the smile that they deserve; we also know that this starts with a dedicated approach to coming in for checkups. If it’s time for your next biannual checkup, do it with a trusted team of dental professionals that wants to help you fight back against plaque and tartar buildup. We’re here to help, and we are ready to uplift your oral health.

Your smile is a huge part of who you are. Keep it safe and strong with consistent checkups from Sunny Smiles.
