Month: June 2024

Is It Too Late To Improve My Gum Health?

El Paso, TX, dentist offers periodontal services

Being told you have gingivitis can make you feel worried about the future of your oral health. When left untreated, it can progress into more advanced stages that can lead to several side effects for your smile. Thankfully, your Sunny Smiles team offers periodontal services that can help you manage your symptoms. In today’s blog,… Read more »

Erase Those Stains With Effective Whitening

Erase Those stains el paso tx

Are you looking to erase those stains and achieve a brighter smile in a safe and effective way? If you are struggling with the look of your smile, your first stop should be to talk with your dentist about the problems that you are seeing. They can help you to better understand your oral health,… Read more »

Is It Time For A Semiannual Dental Checkup?

semiannual dental checkup el paso tx

Even with a dedication to your routine oral health of brushing and flossing, you still need to see the dentist from time to time for periodic visits for examinations and a thorough cleaning of your smile. Since the recommendation for these appointments is once every six months in an otherwise healthy individual, you may have… Read more »

Broken A Tooth? Get Back On Track

broken a tooth el paso tx

When you break or crack one of your natural teeth, it can feel like the world stops spinning for a moment. In these times, it is important to remember what to do and who to call, so making the effort to learn about your steps can be a real help. Depending on the severity of… Read more »

Start Your Summer With A Healthy Smile

El Paso, TX, dentist offers checkups for your family

When was the last time you saw your dentist? If you only come in for emergency care, your oral health may not be as well taken care of as you believe. Biannual checkups can help stay on top of your smile’s health, detect problems early, and prevent the need for invasive emergency treatments in the… Read more »

Wisdom Teeth: When Is The Best Time To Remove Them?

El Paso, TX, dentist offers wisdom tooth removals

In most cases, your dentist will do their best to protect your natural pearly whites and avoid the need to extract any. This rule does not apply to your wisdom teeth, though. Your third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are usually planned to be removed before they can cause damage to your smile. Today,… Read more »

What Can Dental Crowns Help With?

If you have ever harmed a tooth, you know how alarming and frustrating this can be. A broken or cracked tooth can cause discomfort and worry. It’s important that you treat this problem as soon as possible so that it does not harm your smile. Your Sunny Smiles team offers lifelike dental crowns that can… Read more »

Serious Toothaches Require Immediate Attention

El Paso, TX, dentist offers emergency care

A sudden and persistent pain around your tooth can be agitating. At first, you may try to relieve the discomfort with over-the-counter pain reducers, cold compress, or other remedies. If the problem persists, though, you should have it examined by your dental team. Sunny Smiles offers swift urgent care that can help relieve pain and… Read more »

Dental Fillings And Root Canals: When Do You Need These Restorations?

El Paso, TX, dentist offers fillings and root canals

Cavities are one of the most common oral health concerns that patients experience. This problem can be prevented with a good oral hygiene routine and consistent checkups. However, you may still experience a cavity even when you do your best to keep your teeth healthy. Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, can help restore your… Read more »

Moving Forward With Porcelain Veneers

El Paso, TX, dentist offers porcelain veneers

Being unhappy with your smile’s appearance can affect your self-esteem. If you have misshapen teeth or your smile appears dull, it can lead to low confidence in yourself. You may not want to show off your pearly whites in pictures or when meeting new people. Luckily, your team at Sunny Smiles can help improve your… Read more »