When you encounter a dental emergency, such as a chipped or cracked tooth, then you may need immediate attention. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentists are ready to treat dental emergencies, even when they happen outside of normal office hours. In today’s blog, we’re looking at how we offer repair in one visit with dental bonding.
The Dangers of Your Damaged Tooth
We can chip a tooth due to a sports injury, or even as the result of biting down on something hard, like a pencil, ice chip, or popcorn kernel. When a fracture or chip happens, you should contact our team. Even minor damage could potentially expose the sensitive inner dentin, the structure beneath your outer enamel, to bacteria. A cavity could then form and will grow worse with time. You could go from suffering toothaches and tooth sensitivity, to having an infected or abscessed tooth. When an injury happens, rinse with warm water, take a pain reliever, and give us a call. You can also stem bleeding with a washcloth, and use a cold compress or ice pack against the side of the face to reduce facial swelling.
Treatment with Dental Bonding
When you arrive, we assess the extent to of your damage. For minor damage, we could use bonding to repair the problem in one visit. With bonding, we clean the tooth and apply a composite resin material in several layers. We shaped this material to blend with the color of the teeth. We cure the tooth with a light, and polish it for a more lifelike appearance. In addition to repairing minor damage, bonding has also been shown to mask permanent teeth stains, reshape malformed teeth, close gaps between teeth, and lengthen worn down teeth.
Crowns and Veneers
What if you have more substantial damage? We also have restorations designed to address greater damage and protect your smile from complications. For example, a crown covers the entire visible portion of your smile, everything above the gum line. We also create these using lifelike materials. Our team has veneers too, cosmetic restorations that cover the front and sides of the teeth. If you have any questions about treating cosmetic issues or addressing restorative concerns with lifelike solutions, then contact our team today to look at your emergency treatment options.
At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, we want to help you enjoy a strong, healthy, and attractive smile in just one visit. Don’t let a dental emergency cause serious complications for the health and stability of your smile, seek treatment right away. To learn more about how we fix teeth, then contact your El Paso, TX, dentists at Sunny Smiles on Dyer Street by calling 915-859-7000.