Would You Like Whiter Teeth?

If you have stained teeth, you may not be looking forward to upcoming holiday events or gatherings. Instead of covering your mouth when you laugh or avoiding pictures, what if you just brightened your teeth? Your El Paso, TX, dentists offer members of our community a brighter smile with professional teeth whitening treatment!

Teeth Whitening At Home

Our system provides professional results from the comfort of your own home. First, you will come to the office only long enough for us to take impressions of your smile and create a set of custom plastic trays. We then send you home with these trays, along with a powerful bleaching gel. At home, you will fill the trays with gel and wear them for usually 30 to 45 minutes. The trays help ensure even results, and some may enjoy smiles brightened by several shades. The total treatment period usually falls between a week and ten days, and you can keep the trays and any leftover gel for touch-ups in the coming months.

The Downsides of OTC Options

While there are strips available at most stores, these don’t offer the same level of results, and they rarely last as long. The strips have also been linked to tooth sensitivity. In addition, whitening toothpastes may be effective, but they also contain abrasive agents that could inadvertently damage your enamel. Instead of obtaining subpar results that fade quickly, or suffering from tooth sensitivity, why not talk to our team about possible treatment options using our professional system?

Keeping Your Teeth Stain-Free

Did you know that sugary foods and drinks promote plaque buildup, which not only causes cavities and gum disease, but could make stains more severe and noticeable? In addition, tobacco use could cause discoloration, and drinks with dark pigments, such as coffee, red wine, tea, and soda, could do the same. Enjoying a healthier diet and drinking plenty of water can help your smile stay bright. We also suggest having your teeth professionally cleaned every six months, and also brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes and flossing before bed. These steps not only help your smile’s beauty, but also safeguard your smile against cavities, gingivitis, gum disease, and other oral health concerns. If you would like to learn more about protecting your teeth from discoloration, or about our professional teeth whitening options, then contact our team today to learn more.


At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, we would like to help you enjoy a brighter smile for the holidays! Along with whitening, we also have bonding and veneers to help brighten your smile and address other esthetic concerns. If you have questions about cosmetic dental care, then you can contact our N. Zaragoza dental practice by calling 915-849-9000.