Category: Restorative Dentistry

Don’t Wait After Breaking A Tooth

breaking a tooth el paso tx

When you damage your smile, it’s time to call your dentist. Your enamel normally provides a natural protection for the more vulnerable areas of your tooth, but when you experience a break or crack, you could lose it. Even if it feels like just a small chip, you can’t be sure; speak with your provider… Read more »

Refresh Your Smile After Damage

Refresh Your Smile el paso tx

If you managed to damage one or more of your natural teeth, make the effort and call your dentist. Even if it seems like a minor chip, you cannot know for sure; with a cleaning and exam from your oral health team, you can better understand what has happened to your smile. This is the… Read more »

How A Root Canal Preserves Your Smile

el paso root canal

When a tooth develops a dental infection, this could mean pain in your smile and even the loss of your tooth. But our team can treat infection to save your tooth and stop discomfort. In today’s blog, your Sunny Smiles team talks about how we offer relief with a safe and gentle root canal treatment… Read more »

Providing A Filling That Looks Natural

el paso dental fillings

Tooth decay is a widespread concern that impacts kids and adults alike. Without treatment, cavities cause toothaches and could lead to infections that threaten smile stability. But our team can help with a filling! In today’s blog, your Sunny Smiles team talks about our lifelike composite resin dental fillings and how we place them.

Renew Your Smile After A Break

renew your smile after a break el paso tx

If you managed to crack or break one of your teeth over the holidays, you are certainly not the only one. The end of the year can be a tough time for smiles, which means that the start of a new one is a common time for repairs. Whether it’s just a small chip or… Read more »

Crack A Tooth At Thanksgiving?

crack a tooth at thanksgiving el paso tx

It happens. Once you’ve injured one or more of your natural teeth, there is little that can be done on your own, so it’s time to reach out to a trusted local dentist to find out more about your options. Doing this quickly after the event can be a real help, as well; while you… Read more »

Don’t Put Off Treatment For A Cavity

You probably already know that you should visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup. These visits include a cleaning and examination that can help you keep your smile healthy and prevent many common concerns. At your appointment, your dentist may be able to tell you if you have signs of tooth decay or… Read more »

Plan Restorative Treatments Before The End of The Year

El Paso, TX, dentist offers restorative treatments

As we approach the end of the year, this is a good time to remind you to make the most of your dental benefits. Your benefits will typically include preventive care and restorations that help you maintain a healthy smile. In most cases, these run out at the end of the year and cannot roll… Read more »

Restoring A Broken Tooth With A Dental Crown

broken tooth el paso tx

If you have experienced a cracked or broken tooth, then it is time to talk to your dentist about repair. Your enamel plays a huge role in your ability to stay safe from bacterial infection, and when you lose it, you become at risk of some serious concerns. Bacteria can start to make their way… Read more »

Repair A Damaged Tooth With A Dental Crown

El Paso, TX, dentist offers dental crowns to repair broken teeth

Your dentist is here to help keep your smile as healthy as possible. When you have a cavity, it can be treated with a dental filling or a root canal. If you have broken one of your pearly whites or it has incurred other types of damage, there are other ways to restore it. In… Read more »