Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Effective Care For Discolored Teeth

nice smile teeth whitening concept

Your teeth may be healthy, but if you have noticeable problems with enamel stains, you can have doubts about the way you look that are difficult to shake. What can be even more frustrating than the stains themselves is the feeling that you are effectively stuck with them. If you have tried to fight discoloration… Read more »

Porcelain Veneers Help Your Smile Shine

el paso porcelain veneers

What if there was a single procedure that could instantly alter the shape and color of your teeth? With porcelain veneers, our team can transform the overall beauty of your smile with thin restorations. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists discuss the benefits of placing one or more of our porcelain veneers.

Bonding Means Cosmetic Repair In One Visit

el paso dental bonding

We use composite resin to offer a dental filling in only one visit, one that treats tooth decay and protects your smile. But we could also use the same material to repair damaged teeth and address common cosmetic concerns too. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists explain how bonding can repair your smile… Read more »

Gum Contouring Improves Smile Beauty

el paso gum contouring

When you have issues with the appearance of your gums, this can make your teeth appear small or uneven. No amount of teeth whitening and dental bonding can correct these concerns. You need to alter your gum tissues. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about the gum contouring process.

How To Whiten Your Teeth From Home

el paso teeth whitening

You can often buy over-the-counter teeth whitening strips and toothpastes, and while they can brighten smiles, the results are short lived and could lead to tooth sensitivity. But our team offers an option that can brighten smiles from home! In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about our at-home teeth whitening.

Porcelain Veneers Offer New Smiles

el paso porcelain veneers

If you want to obtain a stunning new smile, then consider porcelain veneers. These custom dental restorations can offer a smile makeover in as little as two appointments. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentist talks about how we create and place our custom porcelain veneers, and what cosmetic concerns they can address!

Improving Smile Symmetry With Gum Contouring

el paso gum contouring

Often, our cosmetic treatments can improve the beauty of your teeth, including teeth whitening and our dental bonding procedures. But what about the gums? When you have a gummy smile, this could have a negative impact on the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX, dentist talks about improving smile symmetry with gum… Read more »

Bonding Means Cosmetic Improvement In One Visit

el paso dental bonding

Dental bonding is a unique cosmetic treatment that enables our team to treat a variety of issues in one visit. We can change the shape and shade of your teeth, so you can smile with confidence. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentist talk about how our bonding procedure can offer cosmetic improvement in… Read more »

How We Whiten Your Teeth

el paso teeth whitening

Our team knows how important a bright smile is, and how eager people are to remove teeth stains. Which is why we offer an array of cosmetic treatment options to either remove or mask dental discoloration. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about how we whiten your teeth and offer dramatic results!

How Our Team Contours Your Gums

el paso gum contouring

Our cosmetic treatments offer more than just procedures to correct the shape and color of the teeth. For some, concerns with the gums, such as a gummy smile, could be a source of embarrassment. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about how our team can use gum contouring to improve smile beauty.