If you managed to crack or break one of your teeth over the holidays, you are certainly not the only one. The end of the year can be a tough time for smiles, which means that the start of a new one is a common time for repairs. Whether it’s just a small chip or something more, you want to talk to your dentist quickly after experiencing damage to your smile. While you wait, bacteria could be making their way deep within, putting you at real risk of a toothache and a root canal treatment. But you have the opportunity to renew your smile after a break, it just takes a little effort.
That’s why, at Sunny Smiles, we work hard to help people keep their smiles strong. From consistent prevention through biannual checkups to restoration of a cracked or broken tooth, our team understands the value in keeping up with your oral health. If you damaged one or more of your teeth during the Christmas break, schedule a time to talk about repair.
Ready for a smile renewal? Call Sunny Smiles.