Treating Tooth Loss With Custom Bridges And Dentures


El Paso, TX, dentist offers bridges and dentures to address tooth loss

Tooth loss is a problem that affects millions of adults in the US. This can happen due to accidents, injuries, or periodontal disease. If you are currently experiencing tooth loss, the team at Sunny Smiles can help you replace your missing pearly whites and improve the function of your oral cavity. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss custom dental bridges and dentures that can address varying degrees of loss.

Why Tooth Loss Should Not Be Ignored

Losing a tooth as an adult can cause serious problems for the function and appearance of your smile. Even just a single gap between your teeth can lead to others shifting out of place, becoming misaligned, or more coming out because they are not properly supported. This can cause changes in your ability to chew and speak. Your jawbone can weaken over time if the gap remains, and this can lead to losing more of your pearly whites in the future. It can also lead to feeling self-conscious in your appearance. Adult tooth loss may be caused by periodontal disease, injuries, or other accidents. No matter the reason, it’s important that this issue is addressed as soon as possible to avoid further problems for your oral health.

Dental Bridges Can Fill The Gap

One option to replace your missing pearly whites is with a dental bridge. This prosthetic option works as the name suggests. It will create a bridge between your teeth to fill in the gap. A dental bridge is fixed in place and does not need to be removed to clean or care for. This may be a helpful option for patients who are missing up to three dental structures in a row. Your dentist will examine your smile and determine if this option is right for your needs. Patients with healthy existing teeth and a strong jaw may be good candidates for this method. An impression of your oral cavity will be taken to create your custom prosthetic. Your dentist will secure it in place and the surrounding teeth will help support it. You can continue to care for your smile as you did before with a proper oral hygiene routine and biannual visits.

Dentures Can Rebuild Your Smile

Patients experiencing more severe types of tooth loss may benefit from a partial or complete set of dentures. A partial set replaces your missing teeth but leaves room for your existing teeth. A complete set can mimic an entire arch of missing pearly whites. Traditionally, dentures are a removable prosthetic option. However, if you have a healthy jaw and gums, you may be a good candidate for dental implants. These are fixed in place and offer more support for your jawbone. Your dentures will be crafted to look lifelike and natural in your smile.

Talk To Our Team About Your Prosthetic Options

Don’t ignore the gap in your smile! To learn about your replacement options, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915-849-9000.