Care Provided At A General Dental Visit

General dental visits have an important role to play in your overall efforts at smile care. Hopefully, you already take time out of each day to thoroughly clean your teeth via brushing and flossing. You should provide additional support by sticking to a diet that is low in sugar. While these measures certainly matter, it can be hard to see the full benefits of care when you do not schedule preventive appointments. The trips you make to Sunny Smiles for general care will provide you with important updates about your oral health. They will also include thorough teeth cleanings that remove harmful plaque and tartar, which will lower your risk for trouble in the future.

Why You Should Schedule Regular Dental Appointments

Even if you feel total confidence in your at-home smile care routine, you should take advantage of the general services provided at dental exams and cleanings. When you do, you can stay better informed about your oral health, and you receive important protection that lowers your risk for future issues. Unless your are told otherwise, you should schedule these appointments every six months. Our practice provides all-ages care, which means families in and around El Paso can count on us to provide all of their oral health services.

What To Expect At Your Next Checkup

At a routine dental checkup, your smile will be closely reviewed to determine if there are any problems that require care. The benefit to this is that when issues are caught early, they can be treated before you have to worry about risks from potential complications. Your appointment also includes a teeth cleaning that will remove plaque and tartar that have accumulated since the last time you were in the dentist’s chair. Tartar removal is an important benefit to regular care, because this substance resists removal when you brush and floss.

Treating Problems That Are Identified During A Routine Visit

So what will happen if your dentist points out something wrong with your smile during your next visit? If you have problems with gingivitis, a more advanced cleaning can remove harmful bacteria that have caused your infection, so your gums can return to good health. If a cavity is discovered during our review, treatment with a filling can restore your tooth and preserve your appearance.

Schedule General Dental Care At Sunny Smiles!

General dental visits help you manage your oral health effectively, which means you have less to worry about when it comes to your appearance and well-being over time. Because our practice provides care to patients of all ages, you can make your own appointments and set up visits for your kids at one of our locations! To find out more about how we can help you, reach out to your El Paso, TX, dentists by calling our practice at 915-849-9000.