Tooth Pain? Tell Your Dentist About It

tooth pain el paso txA painful tooth can really stop you in your tracks. But sometimes, people hold off in talking with their provider about what they are experiencing, hoping that the situation will resolve itself on its own. This may happen in some instances, such as if a piece of food (we’re looking at you, popcorn) becomes stuck between the gums and the enamel, but in other cases, tooth pain is a sign of something more. Your dentist can help you to understand what is going on with your smile, and if it is a result of an internal tooth infection, then it is time to talk about treatment.

With our team of trusted dental professionals at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, you have the opportunity to stop that nagging toothache due to bacterial infection. This can happen when your natural enamel is damaged due to injury or tooth decay, and if left untreated, bacteria can continue to spread to the bone tissue of the jaw or potentially even into the bloodstream. Root canal treatment procedures are commonly used by oral health teams to remove infected tissue, sealing the connections to the jaw shut to protect against future reinfection. To schedule an appointment to talk about your tooth pain, call our front desk today.

Tooth Pain Keeping You Down? See Your Provider

If you are struggling with pain in your mouth, you might first go to your local drugstore to try out an oral analgesic or hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately, this is not a lasting solution for many, as the tooth pain can continue. When this happens, take the time to talk to your dentist about the tooth pain that you are experiencing so you can understand whether you have an internal tooth infection that has reached the nerve within.

Root Canal Treatment Helps Stop Pain And Remove Infection

Your natural enamel normally provides a barrier that keeps out unwanted bacterial growth, but even though this material is that hardest in your body, it can sometimes become damaged due to injury or decay. This leaves the underlying material susceptible to infection, and if this has started, it may be time for a root canal treatment. This procedure includes the removal of the fleshy pulp in order to remove infected material, as well as the sealing of the connections to the jaw to prevent the spread of bacteria. Afterward, an elegant new dental crown caps things off, helping you to have a functional smile that looks natural.

Make An Appointment At Sunny Smiles!

If you have started to notice a change in your smile, talk to your dentist about your needs. To learn more about how root canal treatment addresses tooth pain due to infection, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today!