Improving Smiles With A Local El Paso Dentist

el paso dentist oral healthSince unfortunately, our enamel does not regrow like other tissue in the body, you need to take care of what you have. This means sticking to your schedule of biannual dental checkups, coming into the office once every six months (at least) for a cleaning and an examination with a trusted local El Paso dentist. And since you have a bit of time between these visits, it is important to remember to keep up with your home hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing.

When it is time to talk about teeth, know where to turn. At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we are here to help you find a way forward in both your appearance and your overall oral health. Our team understands that tooth decay and periodontal disease can happen, and we can be a guide to your options in improvement. To find out more about uplifting your smile with quality dental care in El Paso, give us a call and schedule your next appointment!

Prevention Is Key In Keeping You Safe From Common Dental Concerns

Your routine oral health hygiene matters, and if yours is not where it needs to be, then you could experience problems. Some of the most common dental issues start with lax brushing and flossing, including tooth decay and gum irritation and inflammation that can start as gingivitis, progressing to periodontal disease if left untreated. This means that you need to keep the emphasis on maintaining your smile, even between your visits. And it is crucial to remember that you can only reach around 60% of your smile with your toothbrush, so when you ignore your flossing, you are missing out on a big part of your upkeep.

Have you had a checkup yet in 2024? This is your opportunity to schedule one now and still have time for one before New Year’s!

We Provide Quality Restoration When You Need It

Even with a dedication to preventive care, things can happen. If you have cracked or broken a tooth, take the time to talk to your provider about your options in durable dental crowns. There are more options than ever in crown material, helping you to have a restorative solution that blends in with the shade of the rest of your smile. If this area is left without repair, bacteria can make their way through the porous dentin that makes up the bulk of your tooth and into the soft, fleshy pulp. A broken tooth is a serious concern, so be sure to make an appointment with a trusted local El Paso dentist.

Focus On Oral Health In El Paso!

If it is time for your next biannual dental cleaning and examination, or if you are ready to improve your smile, give us a call. To find out more about us, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000!