Have you ever wondered why you are told to see the dentist twice a year? These biannual visits help monitor your oral health and check for signs of potential concerns. Your El Paso, TX, dentist offers these preventive checkups for adults and children. Even if you believe that you take adequate care of your teeth and gums, it is important to continue coming in regularly for a visit.
What Is Included In Your Appointment
Your dental checkup is a two-step process that should take place every six months. The visit will include a thorough cleaning by a dental hygienist, and an examination to check for potential concerns. During the cleaning, our staff will remove plaque buildup and clean your teeth. This step helps to reduce the chances of plaque hardening into tartar, which can lead to cavities. Our team may also look for visual signs such as discoloration or wear and tear, which could be signs of dental problems. We may also take X-rays to get a closer look at your oral cavity. These can be used to help identify concerns and create a treatment plan if necessary. Some patients may need to come in for a cleaning more often. If this is necessary, your dentist can discuss this with you.
Kids Cleanings Are Important
Your little one’s dental health is just as important as your own. These visits help ensure that their smiles are in good standing, and a consistent routine can be established. You can bring your child in for their first visit around the age of one year old. While this may seem young, this initial visit allows your kid to feel comfortable in our office. Once they feel at-ease, regular appointments can begin. These visits are fairly similar to your own checkups. Their oral cavity will be cleaned and examined, and preventive measures can be taken to protect against common concerns like cavities. If you or your child have any questions about their oral hygiene, the team may be able to help answer them.
Discussing Your Treatment Plan
Your dentist will use any symptoms noticed during your cleaning and examination to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs. In some cases, patients may not need any extra treatments. Your next appointment will be scheduled six months out. If any concerns are noticed, a restorative treatment plan can be created to refresh your oral health. This could include dental fillings to treat cavities or designing an oral appliance to address problems such as bruxism, snoring, or sleep apnea. Every patient has unique needs, and your treatment plan will be tailored to help them.
Schedule An Appointment Today
You can call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, at 915.759. 7000. We offer preventive dentistry, cosmetics, and more.