By now, you may already be aware that you should come in for a dental checkup every six months. These should start when you are a child and continue throughout your life. But have you ever wondered why that may be? Your Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, is here today to give you three reasons to see the dentist.
Dental Cleanings Offer Many Benefits
The first part of your checkup is a cleaning. During this process, special tools are used to remove plaque buildup and polish your teeth. Although brushing your teeth at home helps get rid of bacteria, buildup can still occur. Plaque hardens on your teeth and can be difficult to remove with a regular brush. These cleanings remove this, which reduces the chances of it turning into a cavity. Your teeth may also be polished, which makes it difficult for bacteria to stick to the surface. After your cleaning, you may feel fresher and cleaner.
Detecting Cavities And Gum Disease
During your checkup, your dentist will also examine your oral cavity to check for any concerns. This may be done during your cleaning or through X-rays. Decay, gingivitis, and other problems can be noticed during this step. It’s crucial to have your smile examined twice a year because these issues can go undetected for long periods. You may not notice that you have a cavity until it is too late, which can result in needing invasive restorations.
If you do have a cavity, your dentist will recommend that you have it filled. This involves removing the decayed part of the tooth, cleaning the area, and filling the space left behind with composite resin. Composite resin is lifelike and highly durable, so it will not stand out in your smile. If you have signs of gingivitis, periodontal cleanings can be done separately. Signs of this may include persistent bad breath, swollen gums, or bleeding. It’s important to treat gingivitis as soon as it is found so that it does not progress into further stages, which can be irreversible.
Ask About Other Treatments
Regular dental visits also give you an opportunity to ask about other treatments. For instance, if you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, you can ask about cosmetic enhancements available to you. Or, if you have problems with sleeping, you can bring this up with your dentist. They may be able to help by diagnosing you with snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. To treat this, they may create a custom oral appliance to wear while you sleep.
Come In For A Checkup
Avoid dental health problems by seeing your dentist regularly. To schedule a checkup, or another service, you can call the Sunny Smiles office nearest you in El Paso, TX, today.