Have A Full Smile Again With Restorations

El Paso Dentist offers bridges, dentures, and more restorative options

In our last blog, we talked about what you should do if you hurt your tooth. If you suffer from a break or chip, a dental crown can be placed to restore the area. However, if the problem is more severe, we may need to remove the entire tooth and replace it. Whether you have gaps in between your teeth from accidents like this, or other problems, we can help you have a full smile again. In today’s blog, your Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, talks about how bridges or dentures can replace missing teeth.

Ignoring Missing Teeth

If you have lost permanent adult teeth, it is important to not put off a restoration. Your teeth play a vital role in your ability to chew, speak, and of course, smile. While missing a single tooth may not feel like a large concern, it can lead to other problems. The surrounding teeth may shift out of alignment to fill the gap. And they may even become loose because they do not have the necessary support. This can lead to more tooth loss. This can be stressful to think about, but there are options to prevent further loss of your natural teeth.

The Best Option For You

You may already be familiar with these two types of restorations. A bridge is a prosthetic piece that can replace one or multiple teeth in a row. It is typically supported by the surrounding teeth, but there is also an option to permanently place this with an implant.

Before receiving a bridge, your dentist will examine your needs to determine if this is the best option for you. Once this is decided, an impression will be made, and the prosthetic piece will be created. After it is created, at the next appointment the area will be cleaned and prepped. The bridge will be cemented in place and checked for fit.

If you are missing several teeth that are not in the same row, a denture may be a more suitable option. There are options for full or partial, and they can even be secured in place with implants. The process of receiving dentures is fairly similar to a bridge. Your smile will be examined, an impression will be made, and a lab will create your prosthetic piece. Once made, you can try on your dentures to ensure that fit comfortably. Your dentist will give you instructions on properly caring for and cleaning your new teeth.

Talk To Your Dentist About Bridges And Implants Today

Bridges or dentures can improve your oral health and the appearance of your smile. To schedule an appointment at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, call us at 915.759.7000.