How A Root Canal Prevents Tooth Loss

el paso root canalWhen a tooth develops an infection or becomes abscessed, people suffer from major discomfort, especially when they try to eat. Lack of treatment could even lead to the loss of the tooth! But with root canal therapy, Sunny Smiles provides a safe and gentle way of stopping discomfort and saving your tooth.

Dental Infection and Missing Teeth

At the center of every tooth is a collection of living tissues known as the pulp. This keeps the tooth healthy and functional, overseeing the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. An infection means that harmful oral bacteria has reached the pulp. This could be due to an increased cavity, as the decay will grow and spread with time. Other factors include injury to the teeth or teeth grinding. Without treatment, the infection will grow in severity until the tooth is lost or requires extraction to protect the surrounding teeth and jaw from the spread of infection. To avoid missing teeth, you may need root canal therapy.

Keeping You Comfortable

Our team will make sure the procedure is a comfortable one! To begin, we will administer a numbing agent to the tooth being treated. But if you have dental anxiety or special needs that make receiving care difficult, we could also discuss sedation to help you enter a calm and comfortable state, with little or no memory of the procedure. Many find receiving a root canal to actually be comparable to a simple dental filling placement.

Root Canal Therapy

Our team will plan the procedure in detail using the digital x-rays we’ve taken of your smile. Once you’re comfortable, we will open the tooth and remove the tissues from within. We then thoroughly clean the interior of the root canals and the tooth, adding a special restorative material known as gutta percha. The last step is to cap the tooth with a dental crown. The restoration will be designed to look natural and blend with the tooth, while also providing a durable chewing surface and protection for the tooth. Moving forward, you can help reduce your risk of infection with daily brushing and flossing, a healthy diet, and regular visits for checkups and cleanings.

If you have any questions about our approach to root canal therapy, then contact our team today to learn more.


We would love to help you avoid painful symptoms and the risk of tooth loss with endodontic treatment! If you would like more information on treating an infected or abscessed tooth with restorative dental treatments, then please contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at (915) 849-9000.