When you have a dental cleaning, we remove the plaque and tartar buildup that could lead to serious concerns like periodontal disease. Keeping your gums healthy not only protects smile beauty, but also prevents receding gums and tooth loss. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about how cleaning protects your gum health.
Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
Over time, the particles of food and drink caught between our teeth will be consumed by harmful oral bacteria. As bacteria breaks down and consumes the particles, this creates a layer of plaque, a sticky material that cannot be removed with brushing and flossing alone. Over time, this hardens into tartar and will irritate and inflame the gum tissues to create gingivitis. Without treatment to manage the issue, your gingivitis could lead to periodontal disease and eventually, threats to the stability of your smile. Warning signs of trouble include sore, red gums that bleed easily, as well as gum recession. When you notice changes to your gums, let us know right away.
Dental Cleanings
A traditional dental cleaning every six months can help safeguard the smile against the onset of gingivitis and periodontal disease. The process involves the complete removal of all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. Our team uses an ultrasonic device and a manual pick to thoroughly and carefully remove all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth and between them, and along the gum line. We then polish the teeth for a brighter appearance. In one visit, this can limit the risk of periodontal issues, and also fight bad breath and teeth stains. These visits are essential for kids and adults alike, and should happen twice a year.
Scaling and Root Planing
If we find you already have gingivitis, or the early stages of periodontal disease, then our team could instead recommend a scaling and root planing. Using the same tools as before, we remove buildup from the teeth and the exposed roots too. To keep you comfortable, we will administer a numbing agent, since this is a more involved procedure. The process could take one visit, or may require up to four visits, depending on the severity of your buildup.
If you have any questions about how our team removes harmful plaque buildup to protect your periodontal health, then contact our team for a dental cleaning.
Our team wants to help protect your smile from the negative impacts of bacterial buildup. If you’re ready to schedule a visit for a professional dental cleaning, then contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at 915-849-9000.