Our team knows how important a bright smile is, and how eager people are to remove teeth stains. Which is why we offer an array of cosmetic treatment options to either remove or mask dental discoloration. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists talk about how we whiten your teeth and offer dramatic results!
The Facts About Dental Discoloration
Let’s talk about how our teeth become stained. There are two different options: Intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is less common and actually forms beneath the outer enamel, caused by factors like injury of the teeth, fluorosis, and the use of certain medications at a young age. These are also known as permanent stains and are difficult to remove. Extrinsic discoloration is far more common, and could be the result of improper brushing and flossing, which allows plaque to develop and make stains more visible. This is exacerbated by foods high in sugar and starch. In addition, drinks with dark pigments like coffee, soda, red wine, and tea could be factors, along with the use of tobacco products. Our team can use cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening, to help remove these stains.
Two Teeth Whitening Options
We have two different teeth whitening options to remove teeth stains. Our in-office option is great for removing extrinsic stains and only takes one to two hours to complete. When you arrive, we apply the bleaching gel to your teeth and use a light to activate it and remove discoloration. Our at-home option can help remove extrinsic discoloration and minor intrinsic ones. We first create a custom set of plastic trays in-office, and send this home with you. We also send a bleaching gel with you. Each day, you fill the trays with the gel and wear them for about an hour a day, over the course of one to two weeks. For some, this could offer teeth up to eight shades brighter.
Masking Intrinsic Teeth Discoloration
What if you have severe intrinsic discoloration that don’t respond to traditional teeth whitening options? In these scenarios, we could mask them with dental avoiding in one visit, using the same composite resin that mask tooth-colored fillings possible. We could also mask them with our custom made and natural looking porcelain veneers, or a combination of veneers and bonding.
If you have any questions about teeth whitening or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today.
We can help you obtain a smile that is several shades brighter, often in one visit. If you’re ready to schedule a visit and brighten your smile then contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at 915-849-9000.