Restorative Dentistry And Your Toothache

If your tooth begins to ache, a trip to see your dentist can certainly be beneficial. A persistent or significant discomfort can be a warning that you have a serious cavity, or a symptom of a physical injury that has caused internal harm. At Sunny Smiles, patients who experience the discomfort of a toothache can come in for the appropriate restorative dental work. The right service can fully resolve the threat to your tooth and overall oral health. As part of your care, we can make sure that your smile and dental function are preserved through the placement of a lifelike restoration.

Restorative Dentistry Deals With Threats To Your Smile And Oral Health

Restorative dentistry provides important services for patients who need work done for cavities or tooth injuries. These problems should not be taken lightly; unfortunately, when dental problems arise, they can cause irreversible harm to your tooth structure. In time, they can even lead to problems due to the spread of oral bacteria through your pulp and roots to different areas. The type of care that you receive will be based on your condition at the time of treatment. If you are already experiencing pain, it may be necessary for your treatment to include root canal therapy to address internal problems.

How The Condition Of Your Tooth Affects Your Treatment

Before proceeding with your treatment, your dentist will closely evaluate your tooth to determine what kind of care is required. A cavity can be addressed through the placement of a dental filling, a conservative restoration that only covers the affected area and preserves your appearance. We can still do work to preserve the way you look when you need more involved care. This is because we can use dental crowns made to closely imitate healthy teeth. A crown can be placed when an advanced cavity or injury is addressed.

Concerned About A Severe Toothache? Emergency Dental Work Is Available

It is not always possible for a patient to wait patiently for treatment when something is wrong. If you worry about the severity of your dental pain, or if a tooth injury alters your smile, you can see us on short notice for emergency dental work. When you arrive, we will promptly address your trouble and make sure your issues are fully resolved.

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Scheduling Restorative Dentistry

Through restorative dentistry, we are able to take on problems that cause toothaches and leave you concerned about the state of your smile. If you have an active problem that needs to be treated, or if you are due for your next routine checkup, please contact our Sunny Smiles location on Dyer St in El Paso, TX by calling 915-859-7000.