Arranging Treatment For Your Cavity

Our goal at Sunny Smiles is to help patients keep their teeth and gums in great shape. Through your regular dental visits, you receive helpful evaluations and cleanings, which serve to protect you against the kinds of issues that require more involved services. Unfortunately, even patients who keep up with their regular exams and cleanings can experience dental decay, which will make restorative dental work necessary. In this situation, we can provide a procedure that protects your tooth structure after removing damaged and infected tissues. Both our dental fillings and dental crowns are able to deliver the support you need while they also preserve your smile.

Why Does A Cavity Treatment Call For The Placement Of A Restoration?

The unfortunate truth about tooth decay is that your cavity will permanently damage your enamel. The timing of your treatment will not prevent this, but it will limit how much harm occurs. Depending on the state of your tooth when the site of decay is removed, we will place either a dental filling or dental crown. Both serve to prevent complications with your oral health while they also preserve your dental function. A filling only covers the site of the cavity, while a dental crown will surround your tooth. Placing a crown requires more preparatory work, but it makes saving a tooth possible even when severe decay affects you.

Planning Your Procedure To Treat Your Cavity

After we recognize a problem with decay, we can make arrangements to treat your tooth. A dental filling can be placed in just one appointment. The material that we use to protect your enamel will also be able to bond to it, providing remarkable stability. This material provides a good cosmetic match by imitating the appearance of healthy enamel, so it will not draw unwanted attention. If you need a dental crown, we will first perform preparatory work to make sure there is space for your restoration. In addition to providing this treatment, we will take measurements so that a custom crown can be made. That restoration will be placed over your tooth at your follow-up visit.

Committing To Preventive Services

If you commit to preventive dental appointments and stay consistent with smile care at home, you will lower your risk for problems with your overall well-being. Prevent problems with the buildup of plaque and tartar by consistently brushing and flossing, and make sure you keep your intake of sugar low to preserve your healthy enamel. Make sure that you also have a routine dental visit scheduled every six months so that you can avoid complications from dental decay and other concerns.

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Treatment For Your Cavity

The proper treatment of your cavity will help you protect yourself against oral health issues and preserve your smile. If you would like to find out more, contact your El Paso, TX, dentists by calling our practice at 915-849-9000.