Using Porcelain Veneers To Improve Your Smile

Are there cosmetic flaws that make you less than excited to show off your smile? With the right cosmetic procedure, you can make lasting changes that correct issues that you have, which can lead to a welcome improvement in your confidence. Sunny Smiles offers different cosmetic services, including treatment with porcelain veneers, for those who are interested in making changes. These restorations take on many different issues, so they can help you fully reach your goals for improving your appearance even if there are multiple problems that you want to address.

Veneers Can Take On Your Current Smile Concerns

The coverage that veneers provide can help you feel significantly more confident in how you look when you smile. They are placed over the front surfaces of teeth, but leave the surrounding structure alone. Because of this, they are a more conservative alternative to treatment with dental crowns. When in place, your cosmetic restorations will hide blemishes, problems with wear and tear, and signs of poor alignment. They can also help by improving the shapes and sizes of teeth that appear out of place.

What Should You Expect From Treatment?

The treatment process for receiving veneers requires two separate appointments. We gather important measurements for teeth being restored at your first visit, and we provide minor preparatory work to make sure that your treatment looks natural. You will return for your second visit when your custom veneers are ready. At this point, you can enjoy lasting esthetic improvements that make your smile brighter, more symmetrical, and free from any of the flaws that previously made you want to hide your teeth.

What Else Can You Do To Improve Your Smile?

Because they can do so much for you, your porcelain veneers can be the only cosmetic procedure that you need to enjoy stunning smile improvements. With that said, you do have different options to choose from if you want to pursue cosmetic dental work. They include services like tooth bonding and contouring work, which is a more conservative means of reshaping, resizing, and brightening teeth that appear flawed. We also provide teeth whitening services for those who are focused on making their enamel brighter but do not wish to modify their tooth structure.

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Treatment With Porcelain Veneers!

Through treatment with custom porcelain veneers, we can help you take care of your smile by hiding flaws like discoloration, damage, and more! Your restorations will be carefully made to fit over your teeth while appearing natural. Because this is one of many services we offer to our patients who want to change the way they look, we can make sure you have the right procedure and see the right results from treatment! If you would like to learn more, reach out to Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX by calling 915-859-7000.